VidyCoin - Decentralized Network

in #bitcoin6 years ago



Vidy has concocted the principal single-page imperceptible implant layer for video, keep running on the Ethereum blockchain. Vidy develops a record framework that estimates to what extent a client watches an advertisement because of holding following innovation on its install layer. Vidy at that point rewards distributors and clients as needs are for holding down on promotions with VidyCoins, taken as a small amount of the VidyCoin payout produced using promoter to distributer for that video advertisement impression.

With only a hold, clients would now be able to uncover small hyper-pertinent recordings holed up behind the content of any page on the web, opening a radical new measurement to the web.

As the innovation has advanced, the notice period has been changed fundamentally from the composed and disconnected source, for example, daily paper to the online promotion which accompanies numerous structures, for example, the flag advertisements, pop advertisements, et cetera. Today the web has been barraged with billions of billions web sponsor who is interruptive and meddlesome and along these lines irritating to the point a huge number of web client has introduced the free and paid promotion blocker. This is harming to the biological system of notice since they are never again giving the data to the correct individual which they do need the promotions. However, that isn't all, since most of the general population are never again intrigued by review promotions, and along these lines, they are not any more valuable. This prompts the organizations squandering their billions of cash in such an insufficient promotion strategy.



In the web world today, a large number of individuals introduce promotion blockers in the cell phones, work area, and other web gadgets just to guarantee they are not continually aggravated by different notice businesses.

This got numerous internet clients griping since they have no say or decision of the sort of promotion they need to see and influencing it to appear the main way out is to totally quit the biological community.

It is incredible to see that there is an answer coming up as vidy is here to bring those a large number of clients once again into the notice biological community with its tri-layer arrangement that is based on the blockchain.

A decent number of individuals approve of the promotions, yet what do they detest is the wrong advertisements that they would prefer not to see, or that is unessential for them. Assume a male that is hunting down another workstation, and they do require the inclinations for their choice. Be that as it may, they continue looking the irregular promotions that they would prefer not to see and along these lines this individual is developing increasingly bothered by the advertisements for whatever the structures are. This case as of now happens a huge number of times, and in this manner the notice business continues losing an ever increasing number of individuals.

The second issue in the promotion culture is the untidiness of the advertisements, such a page, to the point that is attacked with a silly measure of ads so the client is bothered and they would prefer not to click a solitary promotion. This is on account of there is no such institutionalization for the promotions UI and accordingly the website page is being attacked with such a significant number of advertisements, and that is simply irritating. The absence of a standard is the thing that makes the distributer is demonstrating an ever increasing number of declarations however they see fit.

The majority of the promotions alone are cheats, for example, the betting advertisements, the sex devices advertisements et cetera, as though the majority of the web client wishes for it. The standard promotions are the advertisements that are in charge of the loss of a huge number of the web client that could turn into a potential purchaser if the promotions are legitimate and exact for the individual who such a declaration. The page stacking is additionally an issue since the ease back stacking page because of the enormous information use are incapable and chafing. The promotions business simply is enduring because of the absence of standard, and this is bolstered by the general population who run a website page or a blog that frantically needs cash and subsequently putting advertisements on the page. That is the endless loop that should be separated, and hence we require the stage for the arrangement.

In any case, luckily the arrangement as of now exists, and now is beginning to end up operational, and that is known as the vidy stage. To put it just, vidy is a stage to channel and square the undesirable promotions and demonstrating the general population the rights advertisements with the goal that the web client can be fulfilled and not feeling being mishandled and attacked by such a declaration. Here are a few arrangements that are offered by the stage.


Around 600 million individuals on the planet utilize different promotion blockers for cell phones and PCs to maintain a strategic distance from Intrusive publicizing. Promoting to such a degree has turned into a blindside for clients that they incline toward not to watch it by any means. In the meantime, they deny themselves of the chance to see new advancements and items in the subject that interests them. Publicists are spending an ever-increasing number of spending plans each day to connect with the hearts of buyers.



Vidy doesn't indicate advertisements immediately. This module just features the content that is pertinent to the advertisement. When you move your mouse over this territory of content, a small window POPs up where you can naturally observe where this substance is going. It tends to be a bit of video, picture or content call. Therefore, the purchaser isn't diverted by incidental components yet devours data in the stream. What's more, if the promoting content interests him and takes care of his issues, he goes to it effectively arranged.

Vidy is watching, to what extent the client has held the consideration of the promoting, and pay tokens for it VidyCoins for it. In this manner, for the time spent watching promoting, the business pays.

Such mechanics can spare the client's chance. Since it can expend significantly more data about new items and administrations. That is, whether he peruses a content, he is now intrigued. As he understands, he gains from the content about the organizations that are as of now occupied with taking care of the issues of buyers of this substance. On the off chance that it grabs the eye of some proposition, at that point it goes to him. Consequently, the buyer is at the bleeding edge of a flood of advancement regarding the matter of intrigue, tenderly and subtly. Still and procuring under this.

For a promoter, Vidy is a chance to demonstrate your advertisements on a huge number of pages on the Internet. This opens up chances to search for buyers at amazingly low-recurrence demands, getting flawless, and sparing the publicizing spending plan.



A record framework is made that estimates to what extent a client watches a promotion. Vidy will remunerate distributers and clients with the vidycoin appropriately.

Along these lines, vidy will have the capacity to remunerate clients and distributers and also convey video advertisements in a decent way through the NLP-fueled accord layer.

The vidy arrangement is an imperceptible layer that rests on any website page, in this way enabling sponsors to implant their video promotions behind the important content that they are connected to.

Vidy is a decentralized venture based on the blockchain which will permit straightforwardness, security, protection to promotion circulation for all gatherings. This can be expert with its open-source convention for NLP-fueled video commercial dissemination, driven by excavators on the accord layer.
Vidy is based on the Ethereum blockchain due to its smooth reputation and savvy contract innovation.

The VIDY Ecosystem

Vidy's promotion arrangement system is a restrictive open-source NLP convention, kept running by mineworkers, that consequently puts video advertisements on a huge scale into the hyper-important content of a great many distributer pages.

Distributer/Advertiser Dashboard

Distributers and sponsors gain admittance to a dashboard where they can deal with their battles and transfer their video ads. They can modify live battles, see measurements on each crusade and individual video promotion's execution, and see examination on clients and distributers to assess how they are performing and emphasize duplicate and inventive likewise.

Video Ads

Round hyper-pertinent small recordings that fly up while holding down on Vidylinks.

Application Layer

The application layer is the shopper confronting wholesaler of video promotions over the web, exemplified in a SDK that can be introduced with only a tap by any distributer.

Listed Websites

Vidy lists a huge number of site pages and parses the regular dialect on screen for coordinating against the NLP Protocol. This turns into the aggregate accessible stock for advertisement position on live promotion battles.

NLP Protocol

Vidy's promotion situation instrument is an exclusive open-source NLP convention that naturally puts video advertisements on a huge scale into the hyper-significant content of a great many distributer pages.

Accord Layer

The accord layer gets client information alongside advertisement execution data from the information layer and procedures it as contributions to the situation contents that it runs. This is done in conjunction with decoding the brilliant contracts that are given off for the client information target application.

Information Layer

The information layer is the establishment of the Vidy Ad conveyance stage, simultaneously speaking with the application agreement layers, and straightforwardly keeping up every single approaching datum in the permanent Vidy record. The information layer keeps up a record of all insert positions, hold times, VidyCoin payouts, VidyCoin staked parities, and all VidyCoin exchanges by means of the application layer's one-tap buy modular.

Hold To Earn VidyCoin

Surprisingly, when you see a Vidylink and hold down to watch that vidy promotion, you gain money.Vidy repays you with VidyCoin (VIDY) for each second that you hold down. The more you hold, the more you acquire. You can even make a buy on that video utilizing your VidyCoin with only one tap.


Q1 2018
Build the infrastructure of 2017
Assemble the advisor team
Complete the demo product
Prepare for ICO
Q2 2018
Carrying out the Vidy ICO
Platform Beta
Pilot with publishers
Ad Platform
Q3 2018
Deploy indexed sites
Implement OTP in production
Release Control Panels
Integrate block fragments
Quarter 2018
Launch 10 Web Hooks
Grow the Vidys database
Get the top 100 advertisers
Running User Data Containers
Q1 2019
Run the V1 platform
Index of 1 million pages of the publisher
Release the full control panel
Complete NLP Consensus
Q2 2019
Expand the V1 block circuit
Running a protocol controlled by a miner
Index of 10 million pages of the publisher
Expand all properties of a website


At last, the ICO business is getting to the Silicon Valley. Over the most recent couple of decades, this place is thought to be the focal point of world advancement, since it has the biggest number of creations per capita. From one viewpoint, the VID venture is a common startup, however it is great that it can demonstrate the capability of what will happen on the off chance that you associate Silicon valley and ICO. The venture has finished a shut presale. Pre-ICO will begin in 30 days.

Official sources project VIDY:
2018-06-13_14-25-44.png STEEMIT:


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