Launch of Excalibur Os in the Blockchain World Taking Over

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Hi everybody, in this new post I might want to present the Excalibur Os venture, and for more subtle elements,

allows simply go to the accompanying discourse:


Excalibur Operating System, takes care of the issue of mining, since it has a worked in mining control work, so the client can utilize cryptographic money all alone, and furthermore tackles the issue of infections and information robbery with his one of a kind strategy for information assurance and the organization takes care of the second major issue of clients of the framework, in which clients would now be able to utilize the application for various stages on Excalibur, which implies that the application records from the primary OS will be bolstered by the Excalibur working framework.

The Excalibur Operating System likewise has a Blockchain Based Mining Management System highlight in which the client can include their very own token content.

About Excalibur Os

A Revolution OS For Computer Systems Like Never Before.

An Operating System Designed for PC's and Laptops, which will illuminate the issue of Viruses and Data Theft by its extraordinary strategy for information security framework, and moreover it explains second real issue of System clients in which the clients would now be able to encounter a few stages application on Excalibur OS, which implies application records from significant OS Like "Android, Windows, Mac, iOS and Linux" will be upheld by Excalibur Operating System.

Excalibur OS Overview

Excalibur is a working framework that is intended for PCs and PCs. It needs to help application documents from key OS like Android, Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux. Excalibur OS coordinates an implicit infection insurance framework and against robbery framework, The arrangement additionally gives a mining administration framework that can oversee and deal with clients' coins.

The reason for the Excalibur working framework (OS) is to change the manner in which the customary OS works. Clients will discover better approaches to appreciate and share music, photographs, recordings, and recorded TVs, paying little mind to where they are put away and where they are put away. Excalibur OS gives clients access to information and approaches to work gainfully from any area, which makes it simple to associate with remote systems. With the Excalibur OS, IT experts have more approaches to enable their kin to get more secure and more out of more places - while as yet keeping up authority over complex figuring conditions.

how can it function

The Excalibur OS is spotless and clean, has a smooth interface that keeps the work you need to get readily available. You have more authority over where to put the things you utilize frequently. Dealing with a considerable measure of screens is simple. Furthermore, we've enhanced the pursuit so you can get the data you need rapidly.
We recognize a few noteworthy subjects that influence our building plan endeavors and help us to center around where we can give you the most astounding worth:

Equipment movement;
The assortment of hardware and refinement;
The ascent of versatile figuring;
More association choices;
Associate numerous PCs at home;
More computerized media;
Gain benefit token holders for tokens holders
There are grants that have put resources into our plan of action or token. We will give diverse sorts of advantages to the tokens holders portrayed underneath.

The market estimation of ICO is expanding sooner rather than later, which will be an advantage to the tokens holders as indicated by the business' viewpoint.
The working framework beta adaptation will at first be propelled for the token holders in the principal quarter of 2019.
Mining administration by Excalibur OS will be simple.
Not any more costly charges for antivirus
The token can be sold globally on the Internet. The tokens have a premium of liquidity (> 1000x enhancement so as to-liquidity) Straightforwardness of cash utilization, how the cash is being spent after the ICO An escrow can be utilized to check this.

Early stage organizations will have greater liquidity of introductory supporters.
The underlying access to a token with the likelihood of expanding capital development is that
supporters are generally the principal clients of the token - subsequently, not at all like a load of an organization whose item is never a donor, the incongruity is that our token of securities Can be more substantial in the examination.


Advantages are the prizes to token holders who have put resources into our Business Model or on Tokens. We'll be giving the diverse kind of advantage to token holders that are depicted beneath
Market Price of ICO will increment in not so distant future, which will be an advantage for token holders according to the perspective of exchanging.
Working System BETA Version will be at first be propelled for Token Holders in the first Quarter of 2019.
Mining Management would be simple by Excalibur OS.
Not any more costly expenses for Antivirus
Tokens can be sold universally over the web
Tokens have a liquidity premium (>1000X enhancement so as to-liquidity)
Straightforwardness of utilization of assets, an escrow can be utilized to confirm how the assets are being spent after the ICO.
Early donors will have greater liquidity in beginning period organizations.
Early access to a token which has the potential for quick capital development
Benefactors are generally the primary clients of the token – along these lines dissimilar to holding a load of an organization whose items a donor never utilized, incidentally our tokens can be more unmistakable than securities.


• Highly multi-strung in a procedure like condition
• Completely offbeat I/O demonstrate
• Thread-based booking
• Unified administration of part information structures, piece references, client references (handles), namespace, synchronization objects, asset charging, cross process sharing
• Centralized ACL-based security reference screen
• Configuration store decoupled from a record framework


• EXOS (otherwise known as 'the bit')

(a) Kernel layer (abstracts the CPU)
(b) Executive layer (OS bit capacities)

• Drivers (bit mode augmentation show)

(1) Interface to gadgets
(2) Implement a document framework, stockpiling, organizing
(3) New part benefits

• HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)

(1) Hides Chipset/BIOS subtle elements
(2) Allows EXOS and drivers to run unaltered

XOS token will be released on the basis of Ethereum and Bitcoin platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.

Token Details
Start Sep 3, 2018 (8:00AM IST)
End Nov 3, 2018
Number of tokens for sale 2,000,000,000 XOS
Tokens exchange rate 1 USD = 100 XOS Tokens
Acceptable currencies ETH, BTC
Minimal transaction amount 100 USD
Bonus & Refferal 500,000,000
Bonus & Refferal 500,000,000
PRE ICO 200,000,000
ICO 1,800,000,000
Excalibur Token Sale and Token Distribution


2014, Q-4: Project Idea Was Proposed
2015, Q-1: The Team Was Build & Development Of Excalibur OS Was Started
2015, Q-4: Kernal Development Was Finished In The Month Of October
2016, Q-1: User Interface Got Ready In February.
2016 Q-2: Virus Protection System For Excalibur OS Was Built.
2016, Q-3: Team Started working on Majon Part i.e. All Platforms Power in a Single Platform.
2017, Q-3: Platform Development Was Finished
2018, Q-1: Mining Management System Development Was Started
2018, Q-2: Excalibur OS Got Official Existence.
2018, Q-3: PRE ICO In September 2018
2018, Q-4: ICO, & Testing on BETA Version
2019, Q-1: BETA Version of Excalibur OS will be releasing & token will be available for trading
2019, Q-3: BETA Version With Artificial Intelligence (AI) like SIRI & Cortana
2019, Q-4: The BETA Version with Next Update will be launched that is Virtual Reality.

For more pieces of information, visit:

My Bitcointalk profile link -;u=1231002

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