in #bitcoin6 years ago

Welcome all, I need to quickly clarify a task called "BITEHTER" the greater part of us have been questioning about some venture believing isn't genuine... I have been presenting a superb task that would be advantageous to each each crypto-lover, for example, Bitether. presently for me to go further I would prompt you for somewhat looking on the clear as crystal video to get more knowledge about this incredible endeavor.

Blockchain: a computerized, decentralized, open record of all digital money exchanges. This record is always developing as "obstructs", the term for ongoing exchanges, are finished and confirmed by numerous members. Blockchain innovation was initially produced for Bitcoin and has substantiated itself as the overall model of an appropriated record innovation in the course of the most recent decade. The exchanges on this record are permanent, which means they are perpetual, having been confirmed by the recently specified network of members rather than by a focal expert. The ascent of Blockchain innovation and the absence of a focal expert contort the specific establishment money related organizations have set up, prompting points of interest that may demonstrate to change the Financial area in general.

Using digital currency and sensible contracts on the blockchain, Bitether can make exchanges programmed and clear. Endless supply of an exchange, income are​ in a split second exchanged to the benefitting speculator's pockets. At no given time will Bitether save any entrepreneur spending plan to lead looking for and business.

As a stage that tries to cultivate straightforwardness and correspondence, the upward push of cryptographic money and blockchain innovation could be an appreciated predominance inside the heading of the center vision of the Bitether correction stage; to supply the most honest, green, and even-degree getting a charge out of subject for retail financial specialists to execute their exchanges.

Most by far of the universe of computerized cash development, for instance, Bitcoin relies upon the sort of databases with the advantages of having the ability to track considerable and safe trade volumes. The development used by various mechanized fiscal benchmarks is Blockchain.

Blockchain was first executed in 2009 and was changed with Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. The Blockchain development contains discourages that hold trades, where each square is interconnected through cryptography, as such forming a framework.

Close by the headway of the automated universe, cryptographic money, later on, has transformed into an unquestionably appealing proposal in the market and probably won't have customary keeping cash system. Some making countries on the planet have even executed Blockchain-based national money related gauges, for instance, Bitcoin, and the advancement is moreover used by a couple of colossal generosity dares to empower the people who to don't have budgetary adjusts.

Blockchain furthermore can be used outside the degree of modernized fiscal structures and pulls in various standard cash related associations to be gotten

Preceding discussing purposes of enthusiasm of such development, computerized types of cash must be unveiled to the peruser. Following in suit with Bitcoin and Blockchain, there is constantly someone wanting to enhance a development. This example can be found since perpetually - starting from the wheel, the vehicle, to the particular device you scrutinized this substance on the present minute. Computerized monetary forms are no unique case. A cryptographic cash is an electronic asset that is proposed to work as a method of exchange, using cryptography and blockchain record advancement to do thusly. Bitcoin, tormented with moderate and farfetched trade speed, and in addition, broad charges has come up short.

These issues, among various insufficiencies, have mulled over the creation and determination of thousands of various advanced monetary standards.

Ethereum has made a natural framework where everything coordinates reliably using tokens to control the framework. Ethereum based tokens allow exchanges, crypto wallets, and sharp contracts to know early how any new tokens will coordinate on the system. Because of its capacity for sharp contracts — and other frustrated figuring limits — Ethereum is viewed as more able, flexible and stable. In light of its resolute quality and the advancement of decentralized applications (dapps) we felt the Ethereum organize was a sound choice. Subsequently, we have organized and made our own special electronic crypto token named "Bitether".

Bitether eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. was set up in India as a formal, non-advantage relationship in 2017 by Bitether gathering. The Bitether's basic target is to make Bitether (BTR) an incredible Payment Gateway for on the web and separated customers till 2025.

"Bitether BTR - The essential portion course of action"

Bitether is opening some other time of crypto fund for the Internet of Values. By partaking with cash related establishments, advanced cash associations, outcast application creators, the academic world and the broader cryptographic cash arrange, BTR is building an extensive reserve natural framework on the blockchain. As such, our point is to make Bitether (BTR) an awe-inspiring Payment Gateway for on the web and detached customers till 2025.

Our customer is our most significant asset. We trust in saddling their total characteristics to pass on quality things to our area. Our gathering has the capacity in the blockchain, significant tech, and AI. We in like manner have dedicated fixation in programming structuring, thing progression, authentic and consistency, arrange organization and anything is possible from that point.


Bitether's focal objective is to enhance the online shopping information and through it empower people to save the one thing that can not be obtained - time. Take Bitether (BTR) into the summary of best traded advanced types of cash on the planet till 2020. Make Bitether (BTR) most critical advanced cash in term of market capitalization. Bitether will attempt to offer clear and secure trades, and help carry computerized monetary forms into the standard.

"Bitether (BTR) is a magnificent instance of the veritable use of blockchain development, and also offering an enormous lift for crypto exhibit liquidity especially for associations."


Bitether is opening some other time of crypto back for the Internet of Values. By taking an interest with financial establishments, cryptographic cash associations, pariah application designs, the insightful network, and the broader advanced cash arrange, BTR is building a far-reaching back organic network on the blockchain. Thusly, our point is to make Bitether (BTR) a stunning Payment Gateway for on the web and separated customers till 2025.

And furthermore planned into most of the web business stages, Bitether eSolution Pvt. Ltd. intends to dispatch its new associations where you can use BTR as a portion token.

Ticker: BTR
The Bitether (BTR) is a token based on the ERC20 standard established by Ethereum.
Bitether provides end-to-end solutions for E-Commerce Marketplace and Online
Cryptocurrency Payment powered by the Ethereum Blockchain.
Contract: 0x499A6B77bc25C26bCf8265E2102B1B3dd1617024
Total Supply: 550.000.000 BTR
The total supply is 550.000.000 BTR and this is locked limited supply. Why is the total supply of BTR big? Because we think global, there is enough crypto for the entire human race, even the day a Satoshi becomes equal to 1 cent (maybe in 10–15 years).

Token Distribution Pattern


The bit of total Bitether (BTR) tokens is the going with: The total supply is 550.000.000 BTR and this is darted obliged supply

Incredible news!! You can buy/offer BTR with various computerized types of cash. There are choices to exchange Bitcoin and Ethereum for BTR on cryptographic cash exchanges, for instance, Mercatox

DDEX( and EINAX( BTR is open to being purchased directly with fiat cash. Here is the exchange that outfits the choice to buy BTR with fiscal structures (USD) Altilly(

with the accompanying subtle elements given, you can shake on with this undertaking, it would be ideal if you try to visit the connections gave underneath and to think about this brilliant endeavor recollect you can take an interest in our abundance crusade to complete remunerated for the errand. Note that bitether is recorded on the coinmarketcap: forms/bitether/

our abundance program is as per the following:

twitter====== 30%
content creation=== 10%
Linkedin====== 15%
Youtube ====== 15%
Signature====== 20%

Token Name ===== Bitether
Token Symbol ==== BTR
1 BTR =========== 0.00000038BTC
Total Supply ===== 550,000,000


Q3 2017
Pre-launch of ICO

Q1 2018
I Gymholic Gym Launching (Membership using BTR)

Q4 2018
Start Mining Farm with the Best infrastructure of Bitcoin, Ethereum, other ALT coins Mining

Q2 2019
Launching of First Super Market with Organic, Herbal & Ayurvedik Products

Q3 2019
Start working on Virtual Reality Game called "My Virtual World" with all global location using GPS with one global currency BTR for that world.

Q4 2020
Research and Development will be done on regular basis for some innovative ideas to redeem.

There are much more to be merited from this wonderful platform, I think bitether is one of the best project going on so far, there are many problems which most projects are facing today. and the problem is "not listed in any exchange"

For More Details:


BTT LINK:;u=1891571
EHT ADDRESS: 0xc02DEc14d6A3510e589D2087CA77be257385F9Fb

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60883.28
ETH 2401.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63