
It's not going down to 5k. But if it does, I'm buying.

You are RICH! ;) and like to lose money ;)

I guess the people who bought in at 18,000 were hoping for 100,000 G'S

Heh. My portfolio's still about 3x, dawg. Got into BTC at 5k in october.

But yeah I'm pretty bearish for the short-medium term. Everything could keep bleeding for months or even a few years.

But at some point, MEWN

Well whoopidy doooooo ;) W3rd ^P Br0

I agree it's gonna be a BEARISH time for crypto. There will be some winners no doubt about that. If you can hold the bag then go for it. I do that with silver and gold. I wouldn't buy into anything that went 1000% up and was what like $2000 this time last year - LOL pure nonsense

it's pure nonsense now, sure, but just wait - when lightning network or some other off-chain scaling solution is implemented, btc's gonna be the base global currency. Might take 5+ years though. im tellin you br0!!!1

alright alright I hope you stick around steemit for us to have this continual debate. Everyone is correct twice around the clock. So yah you are probably right, but it’s the same with everything; timing

also I hold like 0.07 BTC so I guess I'm not putting my money where my mouth is haha

I believe this is an opportunity for those that understand investment to buy more valuable crypto coins, by applying dollar cost averaging in their portfolio asset.

I believe it's way over priced for what it can offer and it shouldn't be worth more than an ounce of gold.

Buy the dip :)

Relax, we’re not going to 5 K. The market seems to have made a bottom.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60654.57
ETH 2343.25
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48