One BitCoin can buy you this!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Last week I sold a 'small portion' of my cryptocurrencies. With the prices moving up so fast, it felt like the right thing to do.
I sold for 1 BitCoin worth of cryptos on Bittrex, moved it to my broker and sold it for Euros. The timing was perfect, because soon after, BitCoin made a 500 Euro/Dollar correction.

The next day the money was on my bank account. I visited the bank to pull out cash for it.
The bank refused to give me bills bigger than 50 Euro, because I needed to order that upfront. I had no other choice than to leave the bank with a pile of 50 Euro bills:-)

Yesterday I visited my local coin shop and bought silver and gold bullion for my one BitCoin.

Looks pretty awesome doesn't it!


Congrats on a greatly timed sell. That is one thing I find hard for myself to do in crypto. At this point I reinvest everything, and I need to step back like you did and realize some of my gains, even if they are small. Thanks @bart2305

Reinvesting was exactly what I did.

Beautiful watching a stack of Euros turn to Canadian mint :)

The best mint as far as i'm concerned :-)

I reviewed my financial situation today, as I do weekly, and was surprised my crypto holdings were up by $1,500 from the week before. I figured it was time to convert some into cash.

I think that is a wise thing to do

Good call and decision. Gold and Silver are the foundation for longterm investing and the best financial insurance, but everyone should have some exposure to Crypto as well.


Great for you beautiful timing!

Oh man that must have felt fabulous!

Still does actually! :D

I can only imagine that feeling.

You can sell some Steem! Not that I would recommend that. I personally will keep my Steem for a while!

Freeking banks, didn't I place my money here? Like can it have it back... Banks, forget those things. Just ask Cyprus.

I know.. it's horrible. Why do you think I move almost all of my money out of the banks.

I cash all my checks immediately, then I use a prepaid bank card for only 5 bucks a month to load up at any ATM to pays bills. When Im at stores I only use cash. While we still have that option...

I also use a prepaid card, but it charges a fee for ATM transactions. I pay 1 buck per month for the card (Wirex)

Chase's liquid card is only 5 bucks a month and you can load and take money out at will with no other fee's. Check my lastest posts if you get a min. Thx, enjoy your Sunday

Why would you want to turn it into things you have to carry?

Lol jk, looks nice!!

I like to keep in shape! :-)

Good call! I took out my original investment, plus some interest a few weeks ago, before the top. That original investment was two and a half years ago, needless to say, I still have quite a lot of Magic Internet Money left. I could have done better but Im still a happy camper :)

Same here

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