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in #bitcoin6 years ago

After a successful success in launching Tea Pucuk (tea drink in a bottle) and Torabika kopikap now PT. Mayora again tried his luck by issuing a bottled coffee product with brand kopiko 78 C. Kopiko 78 is a latte coffee drink with 250 ml PET bottle. image
Seeing the packaging, price and advertising of drink products RTD (ready to drink) is classified as a premium product. For types of coffee flavored drinks packaged in bottles kopiko 78 including pioneers in addition to Good Day Mochacino output PT Santos Jaya Abadi. Before this there has never been a taste of coffee flavor packed in bottles and sold in large quantities. In the 2000s there was once a coffee drink packed in a cup of 180 ml branded kopikap and had a boom in Greater Jakarta. Then there is also a cappuccino drink branded Granita which until now quite successful in the market. And this Granita is one that inspired Mayora to produce Torabika kopikap.

Apparently Mayora's drinks division continues to expand its wings by innovating and removing new product items after previously not so successful if not to say fail with Vitazonenya.

Opportunity Kopiko 78 seems quite open considering the players in this class is arguably nonexistent. Even if there is an external product that the selling price is far above Kopiko 78.

Why named Kopiko 78 degrees Celsius? It is said that coffee extracted at a temperature of 78 degrees Celsius is the optimum temperature for the coffee heating process. So that the taste and aroma of coffee remain preserved. Kopiko 78 is more delicious if consumed in a cold state. If added ice cubes then the taste of coffee will be reduced and if drunk in a state not cold the taste of coffee tasted a bit bitter.

Will Kopiko 78 is as successful as previous Mayora products like Tea Shoot and Torabika kopikap ... only time can answer .. ^ _ ^


Woff, woff!

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  • So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post. Yikes! I hope that wouldn't happen to you.
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I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶

Hey @ayipeciaceh, great info on Bitcoin! Thanks for sharing. The markets are fun right now and it's great to have the updates from good content here on Steemit. Cheers!

yes same friend thank you bitcoin

yes same friend thank you bitcoin

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