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RE: 12/19/2017 The Market View and Trading Outlook

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The run up of ETH has been amazing... and exactly what you said... I'm sure you mentioned a $835 price back when were were courting $600s. I've had the majority of my position in ETH while I was travelling... and might convert it to Fiat today to start a new position... maybe in BTC if it starts to make a move upwards.

This whole thing reminds me of those old arcade games like Donkey Kong where you're just jumping from ledge to ledge avoiding burning barrels.

Except that the big guys are holding the ledges, the barrels and everything else to keep us dancing.... which I have no problems with (for the moment).


I had to look back to find the post, I think I said something similar in the one before the one I copied below as well. I have been doing this for a while (years). It's still a ride.. :) Glad my advice paid off for you.. worked out well for me as well carrying a decent core position in ETH since it broke $500. and a similarly decent amount in LTC since $50, not bragging by any means just fundamentals really, analysis and calculated risk taking.

Actually I said.. "I have been trading the range all night, I do think that ETH is due for another run up to $800 plus in the near future." on 12/15

Really the hardest part for me is writing these analysis as it takes away from work (trading) and in many instances cost me $$$ to spend the hour or so writing each of these. But I'm committed to the experiment and intend on holding up my end of the bargain..

Also in the name of shameless self promotion and to help meet our end game here. If you made a few $$$ on my advice, throw me some resteems. I need to infect your followers as well. In the end I promise it will benefit us all especially my core followers since the beginning, those much like yourself that continually comment and engage.

I think once I give away the first $500 people will get more on board, but we have to reach that $5000 first, we are getting close to milestone one of 200 followers. Which is cool, but does not open up the philanthropic piggy bank until we hit an account value of $5000.. I need all the support and help I can get to make it happen...

Absolutely. I'm actually working on a couple of posts that I can feature you, your advice and your experiment. They're time consuming but hopefully they become both resteemable and Googleable easily.

I'm always happy to resteem you, but it is easier to resteem one-off posts instead of just one of a series... especially since I can't comment over the top to mention why the series is so important to me.

Anyway, anyone reading this resteem, these posts are literally the posts I look forward to the most each morning. Get around it!

Your the man... trying to think of a solid one off post to write at the moment.. drawing a small blank but I'll figure something out...

What about a post of your rules (50% of available funds, no loss greater than 5%, etc etc)... it might make people realise that there can be a method to the crypto madness. I've learnt as much from your comments as your posts.. so it might help give newbies some rules with which to navigate trading.

Or, which coins might make it onto Coinbase and what that'll mean for the market and BTC?

I could do that.. will take a few hours... not sure if I want to one off it or just make it a series. A one off article would be long I think as I tend to get off on tangents of thought. A series would create a different aspect every day, and I could likely link it in much the same way I do here:

Then again it could be a one stop shop like I do here: (still working on this one, that is 1.5 million words of my original content in case your wondering, years of writing.)

These are passive income streams, the books sales are excellent as is the adsense income..

Also you can add me on FB and just use messenger if you wish.. I'm not trying to hide my identity.. lol

I've got an ebook as well... and I'm going to set it up so that I can accept SBD for it... and then try and sell it in the steem stores... I don't expect much, but if this platform does explode it'll be good to get in early.

Don't get me wrong... I enjoy the series that you write a lot more... I'm just saying that a one-off piece is more resteemable. I'm trying to figure out what it might take to get some whale-resteems happening...

That is the question. I'll just keep plugging away, the more followers we get, I think we get like 8 a day, the more chance things will get noticed eventually.. Got stopped out on LTC at $330... gently testing the water at $340-ish but may be a bad buy.. Market is uncertain..

Yeah, I just took a position in BTC, seems to have a slight rise on Bittrex... but it's a day to be cautious for sure.

Hmmm.. crash anyone? I think I said something about this in the a.m.?

Hahaha, it hit $16000 right this second...

Sooooo... Coinbase chucked BitCoin Cash on it's platform just now... and had it listed for $8499... which is like $5k more than any other exchange. GDAX then kinda crashed as everyone tried to get their BCH there to sell off.

It's all been pretty weird... I thought Coinbase was adding it on the 1st of Jan.

Yeah, its going to be a mess, as BCH is still around 4k every where else.. read my arbitrage article and you will see what is going down..

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57305.83
ETH 3076.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40