How can I get the best traffic for my blog

in #bitcoin7 years ago

By Dmitriy Kov
PR Manager at (2017-present)

Measure and monitor incoming traffic with Google Analytics. Through their referrals tracking section, you can see which sources are sending you the most traffic. Focusing on the referral sources that work best for you will enable you to put more effort into them, growing your number of readers—and results—overtime.

  1. Write Guest Posts for Other Blogs

This is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic to your blog, period— and you don’t have to pay for it. Writing guest posts for other blogs can increase the visibility of your own site significantly. You can showcase your expertise to an interested audience. It can also give your blog a back link from another great site, providing an SEO boost.

  1. Share Posts on Social Media

Social media is free (in general) to participate on. While you can get results more quickly with paid campaigns through platforms like Facebook Ads or Promoted Pins, you can send a solid chunk of traffic to your blog with regular, organic posts. This is why utilizing social media is one of the most popular free ways to increase blog traffic.

  1. Utilize Forum Marketing

In many cases, the biggest struggle with getting blog traffic is being able to find where exactly our target audience is. Forum marketing is a great solution that’s extremely effective, allowing you to engage in conversations and answer questions, linking to your content whenever appropriate. You can build relationships with members of your target audience and professional peers alike.

  1. Use Additional Publishing Platforms

One great way to get more content to your site is to upload your posts on other publishing platforms. These are sites that allow you to republish your content, and they have a large readership who can find your posts based on their own interests and reading history.

Examples of ideal publishing platforms are LinkedIn Pulse and Medium. Both of these platforms have the benefits of providing you with interested readers; on Medium, these readers can be your Twitter followers and on LinkedIn it will be your connections. It does this at no cost.

  1. Do Keyword Research

Social and direct links can send the most traffic to your site, but SEO still matters. Keyword research is still an essential practice that should not be overlooked if you want to get free traffic to your site. The right keywords, after all, can help you connect with users who are actively searching for you. That’s extremely valuable.

  1. Take Advantage of Video Integration

YouTube (which, yes, is technically a social media site) is a great source of potential traffic. If you’re able to create video tutorials that are related to blog posts, you’ll produce content that will be valuable enough to encourage users to click to those posts.

  1. Optimize Your Content for More Shares & Clicks

If you want to get more traffic to your blog, there are a few ways you can optimize your content to get more repeat visits and shares, all of which means more free traffic.

Having a vast majority of your blog posts revolving around evergreen content is one of the best things you can do to optimize your posts for more traffic. While breaking news, trending topics, or seasonal posts can get a ton of initial traffic, evergreen content will almost always get you more clicks in the long run. You can share it a week, or month, or year later and it will still be relevant; this means other users will be more likely to share it for longer, too.

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