Bypass the Digital Machine.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

If you're coming from the inner city perspective: Everything is fine, things are going well, and there's nothing crazy that needs your attention other than another shooting 3000 miles away from your house.

But if you've been red pilled and can see the gears turning, you know that time is short for you to break free of the upcoming DIGITAL REALITY.

The fall of fiat and rise of the new economic system will literally split the population in two: The Haves and the Have Nots, and you have the option now to choose where you will hold your long term wealth:

Will it be Bitcoin?

So many people are drinking the crypto Kool-aid over on Twitter that it aches to know that most people in the space are rooting for the digital takeover, under the illusion that they'll be rich if they have a stake in it.

And if one isn't in that field, he or she likely thinks that everything is fine, and we're still free to eat pizza and play video games and watch movies.

On a plight to look for people with a like mindset of self sufficiency through local friend-making apps, I found basically nobody. It seems that on these phone apps, it's far more important sliding into a girl's DMs than caring about survival. I had one guy actually tell me on one of my posts, "Nothing bad's going to happen, probably not in our lifetimes."

The conversation ended at that instant. It seems that parents, locals, and anyone heavily involved in the DIGITAL REALITY are totally blinded to the debt situation, the failing of economic policy, and the coming collapse.

And this leads me to think, where will these people go once "The Big One" does come?


Bitcoin to 100k Worthless Debt Notes.

If you were in any country with a failing currency, you could look at the stock markets there and feel far better than had your money been left under your mattress.

And yet in real terms, even though they tend to follow the same moonshot, you would still be losing wealth compared to had you just bought gold.

In the United States it's already been that way for the last near 20 years -- Gold has been the best performing asset, well over the major stock indices. Could it be said, then, that even with money in the S&P or DOW, that you're still losing purchasing power?

And if so, what would that say about Bitcoin when it decides to go parabolic again?

People will be FORCED onto the Blockchain.

The markets tumble, it's the worst crash since the Great Depression. Home equities drop, mortgages are unpayable, and the banks collapse from insolvency. Cash goes on for a while but the Federal Reserve's QE and the world's rejection of the dollar, destroys its value.

Those that saw the crisis coming -- the banks, the rich, and the smart, stacked precious metals as real resources, and now the stores are dried out. The televisions never mentioned the vitality of owning them. The popular YouTube channels shat on gold for the last decade - "Why does Gold have value?" Snapchat even said it was outdated compared to this cryptocurrency propaganda. CNBC mentions the price of Bitcoin regularly. Twitter's talk about adoption catches wind to those whose wealth has been destroyed with the dollar.

And now the Have-Nots have a choice -- die of starvation, or jump onto the blockchain? After all, Bitcoin would be going parabolic in dollar terms, much like stocks in Venezuela. Bitcoin 20k -- then 100k, it's rising like a beach ball at the bottom of the sea. The media is jumping over the 20%/day, 60%/day rallies.

Why not make the jump?

Merchants accept it, even technocratic China accepts it now. You can trade cryptos in the little playgrounds they set up. You can watch videos on BitTube til your eyeballs drop out so that you can afford your next meal. You can blog on the Steemit blockchain, where the wealth inequality is ludicrous. It's not the best, but it's something.

And yes, everything you do will be tracked. Everything you do can be taxed and you haven't a choice. Your identity is tied to the blockchain -- your entire being is at the mercy of the DIGITAL REALITY.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62938.05
ETH 2552.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63