Bitcoin News Feed [29 Dec 2016]

in #bitcoin8 years ago

The Empire Strikes Back: IRS Counters Coinbase Customer’s Action

 Two weeks ago, managing partner  of Berns Weiss LLP Jeffrey K. Burns filed a motion to set aside the  “John Doe” summons against any and all American Coinbase customers.  Today, the IRS had an interesting response for Mr. Berns. ....

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2017's Big Question: Who Pays for the Blockchain?

 Wayne Vaughan is the CEO of Tierion, a proof engine that lets you prove the integrity of any data, file, or business process. He is the co-author of Chainpoint, a standard for linking data to the blockchain.  ...

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When Bankers Attack: The Big Business of Patenting Blockchain Tech

 The largest banking corporations and economic  interests in the world are entering into a patent war for Bitcoin’s  underlying blockchain technology. ....

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Crypto Security in 2016: A Tale of Two Weaknesses

 Bill Shihara is the CEO and  co-founder of cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex, and a former security  engineer at Amazon, Blackberry and Microsoft. ...

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Will We See a $1,000 Bitcoin in 2016? Analysts Suggest Yes

 As 2016 draws to a close, bitcoin prices continue to show strong, upward movement. Depending on the media outlet you prefer, bitcoin is either "storming", "surging" or "creeping"  its way back up to $1,000. In the past month alone, bitcoin has surged  more than 33%, rising from $732 on 29th November to an annual high  of $977.35. ....

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Top 3 Blockchain Startups of 2016

 The rise of cryptocurrencies, and especially the interest in  Blockchain technology has put new startups in several VC funds’  crosshairs. ....

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New Features in Opendime’s Next Cash-Like Bitcoin USB Stick

 When Opendime made its ‘bitcoin stick’ with multi-signature  Bitcoin wallet provider Coinkite, it called it a ‘Bitcoin bearer bond’ –  that is, a bond or debt security. The controversial product, much  scrutinized in 2016 by Bitcoiners, experienced concerns over  counterfeiting, as well as its closed-source nature. The company has  responded to the counterfeiting concerns in Version 2.0, due in February 2017. .....

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One of These 5 Hyperinflating Economies Could Adopt Bitcoin in 2017

 Fourteen countries have inflation levels above 18 percent  right now, 10 of which are rising at press time. Bitcoin prices and new  user adoption have spiked several times in the past during economic  turmoil such as banking bailouts and hyperinflation.  ....

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Why Bitcoin’s Triumphant $15B Market is Just Getting Started

 Bitcoin has had a triumphant year this 2016 reaching a milestone  market capitalization of over $15 billion during the end of December.  It’s nice to mention that the digital asset has been one of the top  performing currencies worldwide, beating many commodities as well. But  what’s really worth pointing out is this phenomenon has happened without  governments, corporations, or any central authority. .....

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Geopolitical Turmoil Spurs Bitcoin Investments Worldwide

 As many economists predicted, the Italian constitutional  referendum of 2016 shook the country’s banking system to the core.  Italian bank stocks have plummeted drastically since the referendum  and it comes at a time where the digital asset bitcoin is seen by  investors as a safe haven. Furthermore, Chinese bitcoin interest has  grown exponentially as the yuan devalues and the country faces economic  uncertainty. ......

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The Biggest Influencers of Bitcoin Price in 2016

 Can the surge continue? A review of  bitcoin’s 2016 performance indicates the cryptocurrency’s fundamentals  are such that the party is far from over.  With incoming U.S. President Donald Trump promising a fiscal spending  binge that could push the $20 trillion U.S. debt even higher, the  fundamentals that have served to more than double bitcoin’s price this  year could deliver even greater gains in 2017. ......

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Russian Airline and a Bank Execute a Blockchain Service Payment

 PJSC Siberia Airlines, commonly  known under its operative name of S7 airlines has executed the first of  its kind service payment using Ethereum blockchain smart-contracts  through a letter of credit, with Russia-based Alfa-Bank. ...

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Startup Uses Blockchain to Crackdown on Wine Fraud

 Everledger, a London-based startup,  has entered into a strategic partnership with IBM to develop and deploy a  blockchain-based system that will be utilized to crackdown wine  fraudsters.  ....

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Blockchain Forex Consortium adds Japan-based Fukui Bank

 Japan-based Fukui Bank has joined  the blockchain consortium for domestic and foreign exchange services  launched by Japanese financial services giant SBI Holdings and its  subsidiary, SBI Ripple Asia. With its latest addition, the consortium  now sees 43 participating members. .....

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Vinny Lingham: Bitcoin Price Will Reach $3,000 in 2017

 Vinny Lingham, co-founder and CEO of released a highly anticipated blog post entitled “Bitcoin 2017: A Currency Devaluation Hedge for Emerging Markets”  on December 28 to share his thoughts on Bitcoin and its price trend in  2017. In his analysis, Lingham predicted that the Bitcoin price will  double or triple within the next 12 months. ....

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The Question for 2017: What Sort of Digital Money Are You Paying With - Centralized or Decentralized?

 According to a poll  conducted by Mastercard in 2013, 80 percent of consumer spending that  year was cashless. Participants aged 18-24 years used cash less often  the same year. ....

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Leaving the Wild West: New Swiss Cryptocurrency Focuses on Usability and Regulatory Compliance

 Giracoin,  a new cryptocurrency with a focus on ease of use and wide adoption, has  been launched by Gira Financial Group AG in Switzerland. The developers  hope to start a “digital cryptocurrency transformation”, by creating a  coin which is exceptionally friendly to a first-time user and is run by a  legitimate company, to facilitate cooperation with the government. .....

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Double the Price, Double the Caution: Keep Your Bitcoins Safe

 As the price of Bitcoin surges,  there have been constant reminders, especially on Reddit, for its new  users to be cautious and not to keep their portion of the currency on  exchanges.    ....

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Interesting take on the IRS response. Anonymous and unnamed people have no standing in the court , but anyone with standing must reveal the very information the IRS requires to do a targeted summons and/or flag for an audit.

It seems that coinbase needs to take a stance that this summons hurts coinbase by hurting its customers privacy.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57527.13
ETH 2375.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42