Why I believe that Bitcoins will be worth More Than 50 Million Dollars Each... Someday

in #bitcoin7 years ago

People often say that Bitcoins will reach 1 Million Dollars, but I believe it can go even higher!

In the future there will be 21 million bitcoins in circulation.  Also happening around that same time, the Earth will reach a population of approximately 8 billion people.

So, what's going to happen when the old fiat money goes under and the new digital money becomes the money that everyone uses?

Well, supply and demand will happen, that's what!  Think about it, and let's do the math together:

21,000,000 Bitcoins / 8,000,000,000 people = 0.002625 BTC Per Person On Earth!!!

Let's call that the average amount of Bitcoins that each person will eventually have once the BTC price finally settles into an equilibrium (many many years from now in the distant future).  But we don't need to wait for the distant future to get rich, Bitcoin holders will probably be multimillionaires long before Bitcoin reaches equilibrium.

So if you have at least 0.003 BTC (one-third of one percent) by the time Bitcoin becomes the global standard currency, then you will have considerably more money than the average person.  Simple as that.

Maybe 0.003 Bitcoins is enough if you're a communist, but if you're a capitalist then the sky's the limit.

Let's take this a step farther to estimate what an entire Bitcoin will be worth at that point in the future.

According to the internet (correct me if I'm wrong) the average middle-age person is generally worth about $100,000 to $200,000 dollars.

Those numbers probably aren't accurate for the entire planet, I think they probably only counted 'developed nations' but since we're talking about some time in the future then we might assume that all nations will become 'developed' by then.

So, just for example let's say that the average person has about $150,000 dollars worth of savings and possessions.

Here's the math:

1.0  /  0.002625  =  380


380   x   $150,000  =  57 Million Dollars Per Bitcoin!!!

That's how much Bitcoins will be worth in the (very) long run, 50+ Million USD (in today's dollars that is).  When everyone on Earth is using BTC and the average dispersal to each individual over time settles at just below 0.003 then Supply And Demand will be able to sustain a 50+ Million dollar bitcoin.

But when will this happen?  When will bitcoin reach 50 million dollars?

That's the part that's harder to predict.  But my bet is that most of us will live to see it!

And what makes me say that?

Haha, Mathematics!

Because as Bitcoin is making moves towards becoming the global standard currency, the dollar is declining in value.

The math says bitcoin will be worth 50 million dollars some day, but that's in today's dollars.

By then the value of the dollar will probably be very different.

Most likely if and when Bitcoin takes the dollar's place in the world, the dollar will become less valuable (also inflation makes the value of the dollar go down anyway, thanks government).

All that assumes Bitcoin will reach global acceptance and will eventually approach equilibrium, which was possibly Satoshi's original vision.  But there's still some challenges that Bitcoin will have to overcome.  The recent Bitcoin Cash Fork is a sign of some of Bitcoin's limitations.

But consider this:  As the value of fiat approaches zero, the value of crypto will approach infinity.  So it's not really hard to pull a number out of thin air and say that Bitcoin will someday be worth that much, but it sure is fun :)

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Mark my words, if you have at least 0.003 BTC then your children or grandchildren will be set for life.  Just hold onto it for the long term.


I think Bitcoin is not going to be the leading Crypto in the future so therefore it will be replaced by a better coin with better technology. But it will still remain as a coin with value or better saying digital gold :-)

God I love math. LOL this is so dope i hope it comes true. Cause poeple cant argue with number!!!

positivity is the greatest strength of us.Keep it up.It will sure shot become.

Following you

Very interesting! I am curious about one point you made: "As the value of fiat approaches zero, the value of crypto will approach infinity." Would you mind sketching that out for me? Although I understand what distinguishes fiat from crypto, I'm not a great economist, and I'm wondering how you arrived at this inverse correlation.

I'm glad you asked. Basically, if the dollar ever becomes worthless, in other words if the value of the dollar is zero anything's, then any 1 thing should be worth an infinite number of dollars (even if there aren't that many dollars in circulation). So as we approach that zero-value-horizon of the dollar then we should begin to see the value of bitcoin (and basically everything to be honest) raising up inversely against the dollar. In that situation a cup of coffee would also cost an infinite number of dollars.
It might help to think of it as a different pair of currencies (since bitcoin is still so new, and everything is compared to the dollar these days), something like Euros and Yen perhaps. So if the Yen was ever someday worth zero Euros, then 1 Euro would be worth infinite Yen. And so would a cup of coffee, or some pants, or even anything that has any value at all. But just before the Yen reaches zero (assuming it takes a while), the Euro should show up in the trading charts as being worth an exponential number of Yen. This would happen as the Dollar or the Yen collapses down to a value of zero, not the ordinary trading days, but a total collapse.
However, nobody would be trading or shopping with Yen or the Dollar at that point so bitcoins, coffee, and everything else should still have a rational value in comparison to other currencies. It's just that in the case of something being worthless, everything else is priceless by comparison.
I hope this helps, but if I was wrong about anything then please let me know :)

Thanks for taking the time to go into detail on this! Your response really cleared it up for me. I don't notice any discrepancies, or anything that seems incorrect to me, but if anything comes to mind, I'll let you know.

Nice posts!!!
I happen to agree with u

Since bitcoin price is determined by demand and supply and btc is currently in high demand and has the potential of maintaining its high demand...i think it can exceed much more than 50million $$

Erased. My reply error.

Yep, I am happy for the bride future you have drawn for me:-) Resteemed and upvoted and I follow you:-)

I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote.

Nice try at valuing Bitcoin, I should write something like this. Thanks for the Idea!

we can't say anything about cryptocurrency.we only predict

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