What are some amazing facts about blockchain

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Nick Szabo proposed Smart contracts 14 years before ‘bitcoin.org’ was registered by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Still, most people know bitcoin rather than smart contract.
Bitcoin is popular only due to being the first one in the digital market.
The first transaction for bitcoin was done for a pizza on May 22, 2010. The man paid 10,000 bitcoins which are worth $80 million today.
China controls more than 70% of the bitcoin mining using their mining pools.
While RBI in India banned the sale or purchase of cryptocurrency, they have recently formed a special research unit for blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Venezuela is the first country to launch its own cryptocurrency by launching the virtual Petro, backed by crude oil reserves.
Now you can create child blockchains called plasma chains over the main blockchain network.
The Japanese city of Tsukuba, north of Tokyo, has recently tested a voting system based on blockchain technology. (Cointelegraph)
Not to forget the point that blockchain comes in the list of top ten technology trends of 2018.

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