How I Lost All My Bitcoin... or learn from my mistakes so you don't have to make yours

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Dark photo for a dark post )

My tiny crypto portfolio was earned by creating content on Steemit. And I was super happy with what I had managed to cumulate so far. And I was even happier that I had bought my Bitcoin when it was priced around $3k.

Today I am sad... very sad... because I lost all the Bitcoin I had...

I am sad not only because I know I will never ever be able to get it at the price I had bought it at... but because I know it was all my fault. 

A stupid "newbie" mistake that I want to share so you don't make it yourself.

The mistake of not taking passwords, verifications and backup phrases too serious. The mistake of not realizing how easy things can be lost if you don't pay attention to security issues.

How did I lose the bitcoin?

I used Bitpay wallet, so my coins were there - on my iphone app. 

All was good, until I changed my phone. The phone got backed up - I upgraded to a new phone and the old one is now at the Apple store since days already....

Today I decided to check the wallet and ... surprise! it was asking me the backup phrase. That was a phrase of 12 random words that Bitpay had told to keep safe... 

I had the phrase written in my notebook - which I lost while I was moving countries... Could not find a screenshot of it anywhere either...

This means that there is no way to access or restore the wallet - which means that I need to accept the fact that I totally fucked up.

The reason I put it here is not because I need a pity party... but because I want to warn everyone about this.

Please - take all the phrases, all the passwords, all the backups and  everything related to that stuff seriously.

I beat myself up now for being so unserious, unorganized and completely guilty of the whole thing... 

Bye bye Bitcoin...(


Ouch. And so easy to happen. We never pay attention until something has already happened.

Sharing your story might prevent others from making the same mistake.
Thanks for doing so. Sorry about your coins.
Could you try hypnotism?

haha did not think of it - and thanks )

There was actually a news story recently on the radio here in Australia of a hypnotist in America who has made a full time service of hypnotizing clients to help them remember the passwords/codes etc. ;)
You are far from alone in this dilemma with MANY people kicking themselves now realising that they have bitcoin from back when it was uber cheap, yet no idea what the passwords are!

Sorry to hear you had that experience @anialexander!
On a brighter note, I have been listening to your podcast and have just begun here on Steemit myself a few days ago! So wanted to thank you for the interview you did with @andrarchy and reshared recently. :)
Have found you both very valuable information sources now. ;)
All the best with regaining the Bitcoin and your story sharing! :D


thank you so much Mark!
welcome to Steemit! and if you have time please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review for me?!

I have already subscribed, but I did just jump on now and left you a 5 star rating. ;)

thank you SO much!

You haven't lost anything.... You have an account in Stimeet and you have good knowledge of crypto.
And you have a way to keep your future Bitcoin
And you have the respect of people for you, because you're an advice to them.
Just like you got the old Bitcoin you can get a new Bitcoin.
You didn't lose your thoughts and you didn't lose your friends.... And you don't have to lose hope.

oh thank you! appreciate all your words

damn, are you sure its gone for good? cant you reach the support team for the app or bribe someone at the apple store to let you peek at your old phone?

pretty sure - spoke to someone from BitPay - he said they don't store it anywhere on their side, so no way to restore for me...

I'm so sorry this happened - definitely need to take backups and passwords seriously. Good reminder to encrypt my new passwords onto my USB that I keep on my keychain.

yes - do so. I think I am mad at myself cause it was completely my fault

Time has a way of showing us what matters in life.....ur loss may come back in another way

hope so ) and thanks

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