Make Bitcoins For Free

in #bitcoin4 years ago

In today's post I'm gonna do a complete discussion on how you can make Bitcoins for free but it's not completely free you may have to make some too minor investments as everyone knows that nothing is for free in the world .
At first download the coinbase app.

Firstly you have to make a purchase so that you can get your bitcoin back. also I'm gonna
show you how to make them to send you
20,000 satoshis free it's pretty simple
make sure you read the whole post.
I use this app on almost
daily basis and I will tell you everything. this is the main screen
of the app. let's talk more about
the app. At main page in the
upper corner left corner
see the gift. if you
click on that you can see that there is a referral code and
then this is what you have to do is to just send it to a friend or
post it on your social media and this is
how you can earn twenty thousand
Satoshi's when you refer your friends.
You have to make purchase and buy something so that you can get your
Satoshi's back
the way this works is you buy gift cards
to any of these places and then you earn
Bitcoin back for the purchase of the
gift card so I eat at Chipotle maybe
sometimes multiple times a week so I buy
the Chipotle gift cards so I click on
Chipotle I have bought the last one I
bought was for $25 this time I'll buy a
$50 to pull a gift card if I wanted I
could use the Satoshi's that I've
already accrued and apply it to this
purchase I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna
wait till the market goes up a little
bit more that way I can get more bag
for my satoshi buck but with that particular purchase i
will earn1.5% Bitcoin back for a
total of over 10,000 satoshis for me so
I click buy card and there i go
so will see that then i have more
satoshis on my kickback meter and also i can
own a $50 Chipotle gift card and
it's really easy to just copy and
paste this gift card into the
Chipotle app or if you buy an Amazon
gift card is really easy just to copy
and paste the Amazon gift card into your
Amazon account what you will like to do which a
pole is I like to you know double dip
and earn double points because once you
put the Chipotle gift card into your
Chipotle app they have their own credit
based program it's just a cool way to
double dip it's like I earn the Bitcoin
Aaron Chipotle credit and you can do
this with anything you can do this with
Amazon uber Starbucks travel anything so
that's the fold walkthrough I hope you
got value in this post I think you can
see why I like it I think you can see
why non cryptocurrency people might be
drawn to this and this is a cool way for
even the most non-technical person to
earn Bitcoin and if they keep their
Bitcoin in their app they're gonna get
to see how their Bitcoin grows in value

coin base is a cryptocurrency
exchange and they make it super easy to
buy crypto currency like Bitcoin for
example we could just click on Bitcoin
and select trade. here you can buy sell
or convert your Bitcoin just with a few
clicks of a button. my coin base is
becoming so much more than just an
exchange and they're giving us all of
these tools to learn more about
cryptocurrency which is incredible so if
we kind of scroll down here the first
thing that they're giving us here
they're giving us news where we can
actually learn about the different
crypto currencies that we may want to
so if you
kind of wanted to just get like a sense
of what the market is doing overall
there are all kinds of articles to kind
of give you an update about which coins
are doing what so I really like the fact
that we're getting those kinds of
updates in the newsfeed another article
that I found interesting here
Australia's gold mint is backing a
crypto token based on a theory 'im and
it looks like they're going to an
alternative to Bitcoin in etherium
which kind of relies on everyone's
belief or their trust in the system and
they're actually backing
they're crypto with gold so that it
keeps its intrinsic value which is
really neat so another thing that coin
base is really great for is if you just
wanted to get to know these individual
crypto currencies a little better coin
base gives you all kinds of access to
information to help you to really get to
know each individual crypto currencies
because this is more than just a trading
platform we're talking about blockchain
technology which can have huge
implications in technology around the
world it's actually saving lives in some
cases so let's just say for instance we
wanted to learn a little bit more about
aetherium we could click on aetherium
and then we could scroll down here and
it gives us this whole about aetherium
so it tells us more about a theorem it
gives us all kinds of news on etherium
we can go into this resources this will
take you directly to their official
website another thing that you'll find
here is market stats you can see the
market cap the volume one thing that's
really cool here is the trading activity
so you see what traders are actually
doing with that specific cryptocurrency
you can reasonably see what the market is
doing with that cryptocurrency at any
given time
one thing that I found interesting here
the typical whole time is 104 days so it
seems like people are doing less day
trading with aetherium and they're kind
of buying it and trusting that it's
going to go up over time like a
traditional stock so I thought that was
really neat to me the most exciting new
feature of coin base is this new earn
feature so you can actually earn free
cryptocurrency just by learning more
about that cryptocurrency so if we go to
I will go into prices here and then I'll
just go into iOS if I go down there's
this option here that says learn and
earn so here I'll just go into where it
says get started and right now I am
currently on the waitlist but as you can
see here there are tons of lessons about
iOS and what you're invited to earn all
you had to do is watch this video and
go towards you're earning for that
particular crypto so if you scroll down
a little further in the Ernie OS page
there are some advanced lessons in this
it gives you this opportunity to invite
up to four friends to earn AOS to when
they sign up you'll earn an extra $10 in
AOS for each eligible friend who
completes a lesson so that's pretty
awesome and then it just gives you even
more information here and then it
shows you more assets where you can earn
while you learn. coin base mission is to
create an open financial system for the
world by giving all these opportunities
to learn more about crypto they're
opening up this crypto world to more and
more individuals all right I said about
wraps it up for this post. Thanks for reading and support us for morecoin base is a cryptocurrency
exchange and they make it super easy to
buy crypto currency like Bitcoin for
example we could just click on Bitcoin
and select trade. here you can buy sell
or convert your Bitcoin just with a few
clicks of a button. my coin base is
becoming so much more than just an
exchange and they're giving us all of
these tools to learn more about
cryptocurrency which is incredible so if
we kind of scroll down here the first
thing that they're giving us here
they're giving us news where we can
actually learn about the different
crypto currencies that we may want to
so if you
kind of wanted to just get like a sense
of what the market is doing overall
there are all kinds of articles to kind
of give you an update about which coins
are doing what so I really like the fact
that we're getting those kinds of
updates in the newsfeed another article
that I found interesting here
Australia's gold mint is backing a
crypto token based on a theory 'im and
it looks like they're going to an
alternative to Bitcoin in etherium
which kind of relies on everyone's
belief or their trust in the system and
they're actually backing
they're crypto with gold so that it
keeps its intrinsic value which is
really neat so another thing that coin
base is really great for is if you just
wanted to get to know these individual
crypto currencies a little better coin
base gives you all kinds of access to
information to help you to really get to
know each individual crypto currencies
because this is more than just a trading
platform we're talking about blockchain
technology which can have huge
implications in technology around the
world it's actually saving lives in some
cases so let's just say for instance we
wanted to learn a little bit more about
aetherium we could click on aetherium
and then we could scroll down here and
it gives us this whole about aetherium
so it tells us more about a theorem it
gives us all kinds of news on etherium
we can go into this resources this will
take you directly to their official
website another thing that you'll find
here is market stats you can see the
market cap the volume one thing that's
really cool here is the trading activity
so you see what traders are actually
doing with that specific cryptocurrency
you can reasonably see what the market is
doing with that cryptocurrency at any
given time
one thing that I found interesting here
the typical whole time is 104 days so it
seems like people are doing less day
trading with aetherium and they're kind
of buying it and trusting that it's
going to go up over time like a
traditional stock so I thought that was
really neat to me the most exciting new
feature of coin base is this new earn
feature so you can actually earn free
cryptocurrency just by learning more
about that cryptocurrency so if we go to
I will go into prices here and then I'll
just go into iOS if I go down there's
this option here that says learn and
earn so here I'll just go into where it
says get started and right now I am
currently on the waitlist but as you can
see here there are tons of lessons about
iOS and what you're invited to earn all
you had to do is watch this video and
go towards you're earning for that
particular crypto so if you scroll down
a little further in the Ernie OS page
there are some advanced lessons in this
it gives you this opportunity to invite
up to four friends to earn AOS to when
they sign up you'll earn an extra $10 in
AOS for each eligible friend who
completes a lesson so that's pretty
awesome and then it just gives you even
more information here and then it
shows you more assets where you can earn
while you learn. coin base mission is to
create an open financial system for the
world by giving all these opportunities
to learn more about crypto they're
opening up this crypto world to more and
more individuals all right I said about
wraps it up for this post. Thanks for reading and support us for more3

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 86526.06
ETH 2008.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.79