
Thank you very much for listening, glad you liked the cool vibe, people have been skeptic for almost 9 years now with Bitcoin, but it's a slow and steady progress to integrate real core usage and understanding to the system already built into place. It is indeed interesting times, like literally (wordplay) Interest $ -ing times lol

I'm more of a guy....Or, a Social Credit currency....Or, a basic income dividend...
The primary ethic behind those modes is a non-debt mode of exchange especially for humanities basic needs. Outlaw usury when it comes to humanities basic needs is my phrase of the day:)

Thanks for the link and insight. Everyone has their own direction in achieving self-sustainment, and I agree that humanities' basic needs should be debt free and supplied in abundance, especially knowing what we are all capable of and how we utilise our resources and the world around us. Peace

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 60938.00
ETH 2386.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.57