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in #bitcoin6 years ago


The growth of Bitcoin market in 2019
9 January 2019

1 the Rise of Bitcoin 2019: social mood
2 the Range of growth of Bitcoin 2019
3 market Growth in 2019 may not come
Last, 2018, disappointed investors, and some analysts at least the fact that Bitcoin has not made a positive step in the 4th quarter. Now, when Bitcoin is the third day above the bar of 4 thousand dollars, there was an opinion about the bullish mood of the market. Investors expect the growth of Bitcoin 2019.

the growth of bitcoin 2019

Due to what factors opinions and expectations will grow into confidence and what are the market goals of bulls in 2019?

The growth of Bitcoin 2019: social mood
Joshua Frank, co-founder of thetie analytical, shared in an interview with Forbes statistics:

Assessment of daily mood have shown high 04.01.19. To date, the mood has decreased, but remains in the positive zone. If you look at the historical figures of the relationship of public sentiment with the rate, the current background is a factor in the further growth of Bitcoin.

The mood of the crowd on the platform of is measured by the directional movement index DMI by assessing the strength of the buying or selling pressure.

DMI, like most indicators, is a lagging indicator.

Just the other day he moved to the positive zone for the first time in a few months. This can be regarded as the basis of the upcoming rally.

The range of growth of Bitcoin 2019
Signs of a bullish momentum does not mean that Bitcoin is ready to go on a long journey. Analyst, Mati Greenspan, the service trading platform eToro, believes:

Bitcoin hit the trading range. The level of 5 thousand dollars remains a strong resistance. Current - 4 thousand dollars, is a good mark and a round number. But, not has such a psychological meaning, as 5 thousand.

According to Mati, Bitcoin will receive a strong growth in 2019, only overcoming 5 thousand USD.

The opinion of the publisher media CryptoPatterns John Pearlstone different from the position of Greenspan in detail.

John believes that Bitcoin's key resistances are above the 2018 trend. This is the level of 4.5 thousand USD.

According to Perlstone, above is the next important milestone of 6 thousand dollars.

As for the level of 6 thousand USD, so just the resistance rate will not miss. The mark is very strong, but it is still far from testing. Today, the relative support can be considered 4 thousand dollars.

The growth of the market in 2019 may not come
Christopher Brookins, founder of Pugilist Ventures, looks at the cryptocurrency market from a less optimistic angle.

Christopher believes that after a year of decline, a few days of price growth is too weak a sign of the market readiness for a new up-trend.

The analyst refers to the indicators RSI and SWTO, indicating the probability of continued decline. Therefore, it expects the weakening of quotations in the first quarter of 2019 in order to test the medium-term minimum and a clear indication of the bottom.

Experts converge in one opinion investors erroneously relied on a calendar date.

Usually, in the 4th quarter of the year there was an active growth of Bitcoin in the period from mid-November to the end of December.
This sequence was not historical, but only linked to the growth of volatility, which only coincided with the growth of prices for several years.
The end of last year and the beginning of this year were not characterized by high volatility, and the rate on weekly bars decreased.
Therefore, investors at the end of 2018 and were disappointed.

Apparently, public expectations-insufficient basis for the growth of quotations according to the calendar.

In addition, the market statistics has only 10 years. This is a very short period to build behaviors.

Summarizing the views of the market guru, we can assume that the range for 2019 for Bitcoin will be levels from 3 to 6 thousand dollars. There remains a high probability of forming a reversal shape in the form of a double or triple bottom. He also 2019 is quite able to end on the same price levels where started.

Do you think 2019 is capable of at least half of the success of 2017?


Thanks for the BTC news, finally someone giving a detailed article than 2 words expecting upvotes. I will follow!

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