Why is it difficult to Mine a Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hey guys so someone asked me this question the other day and I feel you all should be aware of it

Q)I don't understand why it is so hard to make a bitcoin. Please, someone, explain to me.

My answer :
Hey, bud that's the question I was looking for glad to see you are curious about it so I can try to explain your question.Think of a mathematical problem (a tough one) one that is so tough that even your computer takes a really long time and electricity to solve it.Once you can fathom that you will understand why it's hard.

Now going into a little more depth these mathematical problems derive from the field of mathematics and computer science called cryptography.Cryptographic problems involve converting normal text into a format that no one ever knows For example say you create a FB account you give them a username and password, the password that is given is encrypted in a mathematical/cryptographic form.There is no way of FB the company itself to access your account because it is hashed and they don't know your password because it is encrypted.

Now going back to why is it hard to create a bitcoin: it's hard because the same mathematical and cryptographic problems that I explained were encoded by Satoshi Nakamoto(creator of bitcoin )on a distributed network (everyone has access to the network just like internet ) but these problems can indeed be solved with the help of GPU(graphical processing units)graphics cards that are on your computer if they run for a long period of time and consume enough electricity(This is expensive as hell).

Please refer to this Image as i think visual representations of this concept are easier to understand.

Note: you must be thinking why are GPU's so powerful that's because they are designed for giving us high-end graphics and perform computations(how many pixels to display on the screen).GPU's play a key role not only in cryptocurrencies but also in building Neural Networks (field of Artifical intelligence).

Feel free to ask me any questions if you have

My entire reasoning for posting this is to make other people more aware of how this works.

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