There's never a bad time to buy crypto!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

(at least until it’s completely displaced all fiat currency)

This is one of those times when Bitcoin is down and alt coins are down even more and there’s at least a widespread sense of coming off of a high from what I can tell. All very predictable of course. As of right now, bitcoin is around $2390, having “corrected” from a peak of around $2960 just around a month ago. For any other asset, this might seem like a huge cause for concern, but for bitcoin, it is a predictable swing in the process of - you know - revolutionizing how money works and displacing all of the world’s corrupt fiat currencies! No big deal. Cryptos are just the best thing to happen for humanity since sliced bread.

I would tell you that this is a great time to buy Bitcoin and any other cryptos, but I shouldn’t have to and ultimately is doesn’t matter if you do or not because the cat is out of the bag: fiat money is obsolete. If you care about justice and helping humanity escape from the rip off of government money, you should relish the opportunity to buy bitcoin at this point in human history. I’ve heard people respond to the price of bitcoin since it hit $100 by saying that they feel like they just missed out. “Awww. I was going to buy some bitcoin, but it’s over $100 now! Maybe I’ll get some when it goes back down.” Yeah. Don’t be that guy when Bitcoin hits $100k.

Until cryptocurrencies displace fiat currencies altogether, IT’S A GOOD TIME TO BUY! But right now is an especially good time to buy, especially alt coins. Yesterday would have been an even better time! Personally, I have a small buffer of savings in silver coins, (it’s also a great time to buy silver) and the rest of my money in three different risk brackets of cryptos. For low risk, that’s bitcoin. For medium risk, I like Ethereum and Dash. For higher risk, I’ve made a few successful plays and a few unsuccessful plays with some long shots like Dogecoin and Coinye and I’m looking at some ICOs now. My most recent long-shot success was Nexus, which I bought last December at $0.04, and it’s now trading steady around $0.80, even after coming down from a high of $1.70! I think it’s time to move that into the medium risk category.

If you still don’t know what a Bitcoin is, you haven’t missed the boat, not by a longshot. But if you don’t get in now and adjust your financial life to include cryptocurrencies as much as possible, your regret will only grow with the prices. My biggest regret may be spending so many $10 Bitcoins on the Silk Road! Then again, I’m happy to have been a supporter of cryptos from near the beginning, using every platform available to encourage people to buy, hold, and use Bitcoin. The future is here, and all you have to do to be a part of it, is buy yourself a little piece.

If you don’t know anything about bitcoin, here’s a great place to start.

While I’m not an expert on cryptocurrencies by any means, it’s a subject I’d like to get into more and I’d like to organize my campaign and my nonprofit to take advantage of blockchain technology to the greatest extent possible. So all criticisms, requests, and suggestions are very welcome!

If you want to donate Bitcoin to support our 501(c)3, The FREEDOM! Fund, please go to

I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


Nice! I like the philosophy. It's always a good time to buy. You should look into ZCash and CLOAK ... 2 coins I think can make some major moves. STEEM is poised for a nice run too of course. Keep up the good fight my friend.

Thanks! On it!

We don't need a central bank! Its time to end the FED!

I brought $2000 just before the recent crash, but not regretting as I am a long term investor.

upvoted and resteemed.

Good perspective!

The riskiest cryptocurrency I know of is 42coin. In the last teo months it somehow skyrocketted from 9 grand to about 20 grand then shot down 1000's of dollars almost instantly. I would recomend to not invest in it, but hey, if you like to live dangerously go ahead.

I myself am a big fan of IOTA. The Bitcoin 3.0 with tangle istead of blockchain, with ZERO transaction fees and a transaction time, that speeds up the more people are using it. Most people still don't know whats so special about it, but I highly recommond looking into it.

IOTa stands for the "internet of things", it will manage microtransactions that didn't make any sense as long as there were transaction costs. We'll see what the future holds, but I think IOTA could become the currency that will manage transactions between multiple different processor based devices. A billion, probably a trillion dollar market.

Thanks for the heads up!

You might be interested in Mysterium the "decentralized VPN powered by Blockchain" very freedom oriented. Gridcoin (GRC) is another good one, it's mined by donating computing power to analyze scientific research. Great way for the ordinary guy to help advance science and make some money while also helping to prove the government isn't needed to provide funding for science.

Just wish I had the capital too buy more. I have a little though an will buy more when I can afford too. Just hope it stays low for a wee bit :)

My main paranoia about buying bitcoin (which is why i still haven't bought) is that every seller and if not seller it will be my bank informs the government that i've transferred money to a bitcoin seller. And there's no ATM in the neighborhood.

Spot on! Great post, maybe fiat isn't obsolete yet, but it's only a matter of time. Upvoted and I'm following you :)

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