
I respectively disagree. BCH has certainly proven to be a nice profit maker, but it's a bit bold to say it will dominate over BTC.

None the less I like the coin and think it serves a valuable purpose - the only crypto that currently can scale to levels higher than visa/mastercard etc whilst being entirely on the blockchain.

The BTC lightning network is not on the blockchain... and while I don't think the cashening will happen I do think BCH will be sucessful, and at the very least it would be wise to have some of your portfolio in it simply as a hedge.

Appreciate your post/thoughts

If you want to move your Bitcoin from one exchange to another exchange it's faster and cheaper to convert it to BCH and then convert it back to BTC on the other end. At some point you might as well stay in BCH and save your self the transaction fees. If you are doing arbitrage you can be faster then the people unwilling to do this. The day traders will equalize the price of both. As one coin goes up and then back down the traders looking for a place to park their profits will move into the other coin equalizing the price. When they all do this at the same time the price will surge or dive. Bitcoin's transaction fees prevent it from being used by half of the worlds population. We need a currency/store of value for everyone if this thing is going to work. The best thing about BCH is at least now we have a choice and a back up plan.

Give this a read and see what you think.

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