So EOS is operational, What Now?

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


Patience Is A Virtue

It just shows how impatient we have become as people when we truly believe that the few weeks it has taken for the EOS software to be released, set up, launched and finally voted into an operational state "Feels like forever." Well, June 1st, 2018 now seems like a lifetime ago and the network is running smoothly (so far), and we can perform more operations than just voting for our preferred block producers, (remember that voting is NOT over as this is a continual process forever).

So what now?, We un-stake some of our tokens of course

It is important to remember that EOS is not your standard token, it is similar to how Steemit encompasses a 'suite' of tokens that all support the ecosystem, expect that there is only a single token that you must allocate to a 'suite' of functions.

  • Available Balance (Usable tokens)
  • CPU
  • Bandwidth

Here is an example from my @greymass wallet.

Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 17.25.30.png

Those of us who use this tool from @greymass (I am a little disappointed they did not make it into the top 21 this time around), you will note that included within the app is wallet functionality. As of version 0.1.5, once you click on the wallet option on the top right, we are presented with a button so tempting to press, that just must be done.

Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 17.39.43.png

  • Note that the red highlight was added by me and is not actually part of the GUI.

Once pressed you are presented with options I can only assume will be the same for all wallets that intend to support at least the basic EOS functionality. Greymass will ask you to enter the number of tokens you want to stake for CPU access and Bandwidth allocation using a separate text box for each. Once you have entered your chosen values and clicked the button labeled 'update staked balances' and then also clicked the confirm button on the next dialog, you are returned to the main wallet window. Wait, something does not look right, your balances are not what you would expect or want to see.

The Unsolicited Magic Trick

The 'Update EOS Staked Balances' dialog box does mention that un-staking tokens will take 3 days from the time you execute (72 hours), which is fine but when you look at your screen, you will only see that the token balance section, it is the same as before you started, the staked EOS section now shows the new values....... but where are the tokens I have just un-staked, they seem to have disappeared, Ta Daaaaa. Now that's an​ underwear color changing​ event right there.

Warning Message

Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 18.59.52.png

Fear not newly founded fellow patrons of the laundromat ( there is no way I can explain away this fecal mess to the wife), you tokens are safe, just inaccessible for now. A quick trip over to eostracker reveals all.

The Big Reveal

Once you are on the eostracker site, enter in your account name on the top right text box and click search, be patient as it may take a while. Once your details have loaded up, look under the actions section and look for an entry under the column name which reads undelegatebw, this is the transaction of interest.

Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 17.58.50.png

Click on the transaction number hyperlink and all the details will be displayed. Notice that the JSON data, just under the Authorization​ row, it shows your account​ name as the sender AND receiver.

Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 19.06.34.png

Well, thanks greymass, you could have just included​ that detail in the wallet display, however crisis​ over


hi @aclarkuk82

launched and finally voted into an operational state "Feels like forever."

Indeed it all does feel like forever :)

ps. my voting power is down 4o 30% so I cannot support you with upvote. I figured that I will at least drop a short comment

Thx for another great update.

Thanks for the update!

Greymass wallet looks heaps easier than Scatter

They are designed for different tasks to be fair

Why unstake? Does this have any practical sense other than selling the tokens?

Good point and one I should have covered.

Here are my reasons.

  1. Transfer my tokens to the newly created account name rather than the default account that was created for me.
  2. Participate in the RAM trading market.
  3. Have liquid tokens readily available for trading on exchanges if needed. 3 days is a lifetime in this industry.
  4. Allocate tokens for renting using dApps such as Chintai when it launches

Well done @aclarkuk82! You successfully guessed the match result.

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