Steemains here are my three picks of crypto currencies for 2018. must read

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hey Steemains we are into December now and so I see that a lot of other crypto lovers making their kind of top picks for 2018, whichever crypto currencies they believe have the greatest potential in terms of growth and profits for many of us to invest.
I am very much want to jump on this band wagon as well and offer my kind of general thoughts on this and so that's what I'm going to do in this article today I've chosen the girl with the top three picks for 2018 rather than just the top 5 or a top 10.
I could have gone down that route but thinking about it if I am being honest there are only really three that I am completely passionate and incredibly excited.
I'm going to be talking a lot about 2018 in particular which I haven't done so. It’ll be value for you guys to read this and that's with all of these kinds of articles.
Do just bear in mind that this isn't intended to be construed as financial advice in any way I'm just sharing my own very personal and professional opinions because all crypto currencies are incredibly risky.
I know this is going to sound incredibly extreme but I really do mean this when I say this it's my personal opinion again just remember that just opinion.
It could be either the worst or very best investment that you could make in the whole of 2018.
The reason I say that is because its current valuation of around about 7 billion dollars is based on the successful implementation of an unbelievably brilliant idea.
What’s that idea a decentralized crypto currency that actually becomes much faster and more secure? The larger the entire network gets and that has transaction fees.
This will potentially allow it to form the backbone of the Internet of Things economy that is absolutely massive and if we're talking about.
You know in terms of potential market caps if they were to pull this off then I can't help but feel like it would be worth at least the value of Bit coin in this kind of current very slow expensive state which is valued at around 190 billion dollars right now.
I think so from the kind of seven billion dollars that were at right now that is the potential for unbelievable growth that's why I would consider it to be potentially the very best investment that you can make this year with crypto currencies.
But there is a massive kind of however attached to that and that's this idea is very much still hypothetical which is why it can actually be one of the worst investment decisions you make as well I owe this current valuation of around seven billion dollars is absolutely enormous.
it is absolutely sky-high right now when you consider that it's still very much depends on the use of a centralized coordinator in order to guarantee the security of the protocol in the eyes of many people out there.
It also can't even be considered to be a decentralized currency until the day where it finally does away with a coordinator altogether.
This might be incredibly harsh and unfair but just as a good kind of analogy to paint a picture in your mind betting on my auto right now with the use of a coordinator is kind of like betting on a cyclist to win the Tour de France when they're still using stabilizers on their bike.
But again once they demonstrate that they actually can be a secure kind of fully functioning network without the use of that coordinator and I do believe that might potentially occur at some point in 2018 then at that point there is absolutely tremendous potential for growth.
I think there are some minor improvements or developments that are going to be made in 2018 which will have a pretty positive effect on the price of it as well I think once we actually have a user-friendly desktop wallet for people to use.
That doesn't require people to attach to the tangle and which doesn't involve them having a see zero balances on their wallet which gives many people kind of minor heart attack.
Those kind of things will do wonders for the price and if I also manages to stay in the kind of top 5 to 10 of all coins out there then eventually and again at some point in 2018 and all like they're going to hardware wallets support at some point from the likes of treszura .
The legend as well which again is absolutely huge because I know that so many people out there don't feel comfortable storing large amounts of crypto currencies if they can't use something very safe and reliable like a hardware wallet.
I'm sure more exchanges are going to start dealing with it and offering it as well I know that people in America in particular.
Everyone in the US they've had problems with bit Fornix.
They've been essentially barred from using that exchange all together and so I think that's pretty much the main exchange or marketplace for right now and some ones we have many more options for everyone around the world.
It's really exciting check that out and you'll feel bullish I'm sure and so as for all of those reasons that I consider to be my own personal kind of moonshot pick for 2018.
I think it's far too risky to even consider kind of betting the farm on the same way that people have done for Bit coin and etherium.
I think it still has to prove itself in many ways before it would even be remotely deserving of that kind of risk not to even say that bit corner etherium.
But I do believe there is great potential for you know good profits out there at the end of the day.
You could either lose a hundred percent of all the money you put in but there's also the chance so I think with you could make thousand percent returns on your money.
so you just have to kind of weigh that risk reward ratio up moving on to my number two choice of crypto currencies for 2018 we have Bit coin and if I were to characterize Bit coin in the same way that I just characterized is my kind of moonshot pit for 2018 I would have to call Bit coin the kind of safe choice for this year because even though Bit coin is absolutely fraught with problems right now.
you have incredibly expensive and slow transactions going on and you've had absolute bitterness and division and animosity within the Bit coin community for a very long time.
now despite all those things Bit coin has a way of just keep marching on and the market cap just keeps increasing and the value of individual bit coins keep increasing as well it's called the honey badger of money for a reason and that's because everyone who ever bets against Bit coin or tries to destroy it ends up failing miserably and so I see absolutely no reason at all why that won't continue to be the case in 2018.
as well especially absolute especially with all the increasing mainstream awareness and adoption that we're starting to see I'm seeing coin base trending on the App Store and I'm seeing stories about Bit coin trending on my personal Facebook pages and just anecdotally speaking as well I'm at the point now where I'm getting so many neighbors relatives asking me about my kind of Bit coin investments and it's really important to note that they never actually asking me about my crypto currencies or about my aetherium or about anything else it's always just how's your Bit coin doing which again in terms of potential increases in price.
For Bit coin in 2018 is absolutely huge because it demonstrates that even when you have literally thousands of crypto currencies on offer to people.
Bit coin is still completely dominating when it comes to branding for every day.
Average people on top of that is the potential for further scaling developments as well you never know we might actually see the Lightning Network released at some point in 2018.
Although I do probably think in all you might see that at the beginning of 2019 instead but that's not so much of a big deal to me because I actually think that today's valuation of Bit coin right now isn't totally
Contingent or dependent on many of these kinds of future developments that we're all hoping for .

when all those time when efforts and resources could have actually been devoted to the tacit self or within theorem because there's been general consensus on which direction the entire etherion community wants to take we've been able to focus all of our time on just the TAC alone and how we can make aetherium scalable to server a worldwide audience of billions of people so for much of 2017 we've had the groundwork laid down for scaling solutions like raid earn plasma we've had countless icos raise funds to build great things on the platform as well and in 2018 we're gonna start seeing all of these things come into fruition we're gonna have projects like only say go that utilize the plasma technology and of course in the first or second quarter of 2018 we're gonna have Constantinople as well which is the kind of second half of the metropolis upgrade and it's going to introduce a small dimension or a hybrid of proof of stake consensus mechanism along with proof of work as well so that's incredibly exciting then hopefully towards the end of 2018 there's a very realistic chance that we're going to see the highly anticipated Kasper upgrade as well where we fully transition to proof of stake as a way of securing the network and it's at this point that a theorem could attract significant institutional investment as these investors can own stake in rewards from their ether that they own in the same
way that they can earn dividends from the stock so they own right now plus on top of this you've got all the continued investment and development from all of these enormous companies that are in the enterprise etherium Alliance and I think the biggest factor of all for me anyway is the kind of positive or neutral reception that we've actually got from what can be called the establishment there's always a lot of talk about government's wanted to ban Bitcoin because bitcoin is perceived to this kind of rebellious libertarian project this out to change the world and destroy governments and all that kind of stuff and you just don't ever hear aetherium spoken of in the same light as well rather than being painted as another kind of libertarian political cause a theorem is more thought of as just a politically neutral protocol or tech platform which actually large companies and banks and governments can benefit from using and investing it nowhere was this better illustrated in 2017 than when you had Jamie Dimon the CEO of JPMorgan Chase one of the largest banks in the world calling Bitcoin a scam and a fraud all the meanwhile JPMorgan itself is actually part of the enterprise aetherium Alliance and so when you have
what many consider to be the establishment itself kind of getting involved and utilizing this specific technology again it's just really hard for me to see how this couldn't have an unbelievably positive effect on the price in the value of aetherium and so that is why aetherium remains my number one pick for 2018 and why I will continue happily to have most of my money invested in.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 61006.67
ETH 2417.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.61