bitcoin .. "Investment product" imposed by technology or tool to extort the world from an unknown actor?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

About three months ago, a large-scale international cyber attack took control of hundreds of thousands of computers in 150 countries around the world. On its screens, those affected by the attacks saw a message telling them that they could no longer access their files stored on these devices before they were asked to pay a ransom in exchange for allowing them access.

Those who stood behind this attack did not ask for gold bars or money to be transferred to a safe place, but they wanted only one thing: the fabrication.

bad reputation

  • Digital currency has become the best choice for pirates who extort companies by stealing vast amounts of sensitive data. Although it is not possible to blame the Petquin for the attacks, the digital currency can not be denied. Where it recently jumped to a high of $ 4300.

  • This situation has created a slightly twisted logic. Betquin has become the best choice for companies that can not invest heavily in their information security to avoid these attacks in the first place.

Ransom payment is probably not the best practice in the IT security community, because that is somehow seen as support for criminals, but at the same time, what options might a company have to prey on a "ransomware" attack? Most probably do not own much, especially if they do not have backups of the captured data.

  • A Citrix Systems study found last year that a third of British companies were buying digital only to pay the ransom that pirates might ask for in a possible attack. It also found that one out of every 5 medium and large companies did not have any emergency measures to counter this type of attack.

  • These companies pay the ransom required without any guarantees. According to Telstra, one in three Australian companies paying ransoms does not recover their data.

In fact, the strengths of Bitquin, such as the circulation of pseudonyms and the difficulty of being followed by government officials, are the same as their weaknesses, because they have become closely associated with online hackers and illegal markets.

Factors behind its upward trend

  • These attacks, along with other factors, led to a 15-billion-dollar rise in the market capitalization of the petrochemicals within a week and analysts are likely to maintain their upward trend for quite some time.

  • Digital currency analyst Ronnie Moas, who previously predicted a $ 5,000 price tag for Betcairn by 2018, adjusted his forecast for the digital currency next year by raising $ 7,500 before it is likely to reach $ 50,000 by 2027.

  • The recent geopolitical tensions between North Korea and the United States are also believed to have had some impact on the price of tycoon, with reports of rising digital ownership in South Korea and Japan following the recent clash between the US and North Korean leaders.

  • With the decline in cyber attacks in the last few weeks, the probability of responsibility for the recent rise in the price of the Betquin seems to be fairly small, so the big question remains: What made everyone suddenly optimistic about the future of the fabrication?

"Based on the data they collected, they believe that the main driver of the digital currency during the last period is speculative," said Garik Hillman, a Pitcairn expert at the Cambridge Alternative Finance Center. Where most surveys indicate that the majority of users of the form buy it for speculative purposes only and not for the purpose of buying or sending money.

  • The Japanese government's official recognition in April of its development is also one of the most important factors behind the digital currency boom, which has given it greater legitimacy in one of Asia's richest economies.

No one knows how much this currency should equal

  • All of these factors contribute together to increase the overall demand for protein, but the recent increase is driven by speculative activities and not by the practical uses of the currency. There is simply an increasing number of people convinced that their price will rise in the long term.

These people are not necessarily wrong. Ultimately, the market value of the biotech is approaching $ 75 billion, a relatively small amount in financial markets where tens of trillions of dollars are invested in stocks, bonds and other assets. De facto formation may become a universal standard for money transfer Across the border, to make the optimists' hopes a reality. Who knows?

  • Another possibility is that the fortunes will become a store of value like gold as the digital world grows. Investors who use gold as a store of value to keep their money out of the reach of financial institutions may find the option more attractive, Such as ease of storage and the ability to transfer to any place in the world with the click of a button.

  • Finally, the unpopular possibility for many is that the recent rise in the price of the fabrication is just a bubble produced by speculative activities. In recent times, large numbers have bought the digital currency in the hope that they can sell it at a higher price after a while, and often ruled out the possibility that the currency might go in the opposite direction, which could cause panic.

This is what happened in the spring of 2011, when the price of a one-dollar start-up rose to more than $ 30 within weeks, before falling below $ 3 in October of the same year. There were also two similar bubbles in April and November 2013.

  • If history can be used in any way, there is a slim probability that the recent rise will end tragically for those who have recently been quick to buy the digital currency, as in three previous times when every boom in its price was followed by a dramatic crash, They only hurried to ride another Titanic.

  • Conclusion ... When it comes to the price of the acquisition, there is nothing to be sure. Unlike what happens in the stock markets, basic or technical analysis is not often successful in predicting the movement of this market within the next hour, let alone tomorrow or the week. Next.

  • and ultimately it is a reality in the markets and this is the result of technological development and Block Qin technology, which will make the intangible reality a strong presence and significant impact in human life.



I have a degree in Information Security and the first thing I was taught is that there is no such thing as "absolute security" when it comes to information security. The more desirable the online assets a company has, the more likely they will be the victims of attack. Staying abreast, and most importantly, implementing the latest security technologies is essential for today's businesses so they aren't stuck paying untraceable ransoms like you have outlined in this article.

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