Captain Drakins Explains Multi-Sig

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Here is a new episode of our series Captain Drakins' Bitcoin Show. This time Captain Drakins and his side-kick Nick the Parrat explain the concept of multi-signatures.

This is the 11th episode of our series. In each episode we focus on one aspect of crypocurrencies and explain it in an easily understandable and entertaining way. 

While the 3D characters of every episode are designed and animated by Tomek Wilk from Warsaw, a different design and animation team is responsible for the content on the big screen in Drakins' studio.

The screen animations for this episode were made by Bhavani S. Kumar from Bangalore, India. I met her when I organised the Bitfilm Festival with students from the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in 2011. Several of my contacts to Indian animators stem from this three week stay in India's IT capital. 

Bhavani is a very gifted illustrator and animator. I am very happy with this new episode, how do you like it? And please let me know in the comments which other topics we should cover.


well documented animation.


Nicely done, but I became engrossed looking at the Alligator talking, which took my focus away from the presentation.

It's a dragon, not an alligator

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