MARKET ANALYSIS/TA PROJECTIONS FOR BTC: 110% CORRECT!! I apologize for BRIEF sabbatical; my HARD FRIED!! BsOD :'( worry not! I'M BACK BABY!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Precisely how many times do I have to be right before skeptics stop doubting & start believing me?

I might not have a 🔮 but with my TA/roadmap the past 2 1/12 quarters; who's to say I don't ?

For me; there have been countless times over (especially 2018); where despite a massive SURGE in traders (mainly FUDDERS who joined up right around Q4 2017) which you don't have to be a wizard or have a 🔮 in order to connect the dots, take a step back & view the bigger picture. An obvious/self-evident revelation of new users FOMOing was inevitable based on the obvious:

  1. $BTC had reached its ATH (obviously) surpassing $20K; which at the time was mind-blowing & absolutely exciting, amazing, overwhelming news with over $1 trillion USD (at its apex) on what had been up until then a rapidly evolving, ever-changing, extremely profitable (up to 10,000%+ ROI on some 1-2 month investments), lucrative market that was still in its infancy..

  2. although we didn't realize at the time, this market was no longer an "underground community" but rather had evolved & grown to its adolescence; reaching an entirely new plateau all within a short span of 90 days (from Dec 1st 2017 to Feb 1st 2018) we saw the official transformation that was: $BTC had become mainstream as the entire value of the 1800+ coins/tokens on the market were effectively disrupting our global economy *(literally; over 97% of crypto earnings were untaxed, unregulated, with a handful of whales & other seasoned swing-traders & HODLers particularly those of us who couldn't afford a modest cost of living I remember myself & others barely scraping by to pay for bills yet paradoxically, foolishly & ironically investing tens to hundreds of thousands in what was truly uncertain in its future.

  3. I was literally surviving off ramen, lean cuisine & corn-dogs (favorite to this day!)& a shitload of caffeine + red bul. Unlike othersl ***(I was fortunate/blessed to have someone pitch me an offer I couldn't refuse: to live in their home as an incubator & broker/swing-trade for a living. All I had to do in return was act as his official broker, controlling his $1000 weekly purchases from CB & from there carefully strategizing with my "10 Golden Rules" (posted right below this) which very specifically outlines my formula for swing-trading. When executed properly; in conjunction with market analysis, chart patterns & indicators/breaking rumors & selling news while simultaneously the market was undergoing the largest parabolic bullish movement of all time. Needless to say, 9/10 times he was VERY pleased with the returns... so much so that he not only covered rent/utilities but groceries, my phone bill, he even bought me a used car. This would all change very soon (there are no happy endings) as I think all of us knew at the time but chose to remain in denial the fact that this wasn't going to last forever...I couldn't afford a cup of coffee at Dunkin yet was ALL-IN on crypto (Not out of stupidity, but greed) & could've tethered out, took a vacation & purchased a beautiful home with just half of my portfolio's value...I was in desperate need of fiat currency but this was a bull unlike we've ever seen; one that was doping & given a powerful performance enhancing drug regime. A bull that could outrun a cheetah. A bull that would always lead the herd while grazing...a bull that was injected with crystal methamphetamine right before an enclosed, tight space had the bull confined to the extent where this bull was DYING to get out and when the gates were open this bull somehow managed to sprint to the moon.

    1. This almost instantly caused FUD among politicians & economist worldwide; panicking *(with little knowledge about how market cycles work; they assumed the bullrun would never end (if only) & so a series of a news; rather I should say "rumors" was more than enough on its own, let alone the rest of the facts, to attract a SWARM of impatient, uneducated, misguided fools whom I pity; many tossing their life savings, even going into debt, to buy into BTC (with no portfolio or knowledge about blockchain... unaware of simple blockchain/crypto 101 facts like "what's the difference between a coin & a token)" yet they would buy BTC with ridiculously large sums of assets without doing their homework & even worse, scam ICOs which were plaguing the community during that time...mostly A) teens/milennials in their 20s-30s looking for a "get rich quick scheme" not knowing they missed the boat on it already!

    I honestly don't blame the FUDDERS; they saw people getting returns that were too good to be true along with segments on MSNBC/bloomberg & BTC was all the rage: if I angel-investing at that time, I would've done the same thing. Hell I DID have all my net worth tied up in a strong-suited diversified portfolio backed by credible & lengthy analysis; they were just buying $BTC $BCH $LTC $XRP off coinbase & HODLING, expecting a MASSIVE payday that would end in huge disappointment.

    GRANTED I wouldn't have put myself into debt tossing my entire net worth & then some into BTC but I don't blame the FUDDERS; they saw an opportunity & attempted to seize it (without knowing the acronym FOMO or realizing that they were doing it) I'll tell you who's fault it is... The fucking MOON KIDDIES who bought a fuckload of $BTC at 5 cents - $5 USD each during 2009-2011/12

    WHY I TRADE CRYPTO & NOT STOCKS; WHAT DIFFERENTIATES INTANGIBLE DIGITAL ANONYMOUS CURRENCIES AS A TRULY PHENOMENAL MARKET VERSUS (its a bit small but a MUST READ) ASPECT about blockchain/market in general worth noting (how could I almost forget) as this is the creme de la creme of cryptocurrency/blockchain intertwined; specifically why its so damn amazing:

    These idiots; commonly referred to as "lambo moon kiddies" to those of us who know what we're doing; are complete pieces of shit for the simple reason that they take a circumstance in which they could've never seen (The BTC surge) & instead of chalking it up to dumb luck/winning the lottery (which is exactly what happened with them) they started blogging, vlogging, posting youtube videos showing flashy cars, clothes, etc. Then they went around telling everyone they earned it by investing/trading.

    Fuck them... not because they got rich &won the lottery buying BTC by the hundreds... (for shits & giggles/ darknet silkroad presumably), but because they took advantage of insider trading/market manipulation; hell they even orchestrated it themselves & all they did was be in the right place at the right time & did what anyone would've done in that same circumstance.

    At that time there was no risk all reward; so if I happened to have a lucky friend who subscribses to TechCrunch & managed to explain the ins/outs of BTC to me; the basics of blockchain & crypto (all I would've needed to know) circa 2008-2011 & someone told me where and when to buy it; you damn well better believe I would've gotten atleast 10,000BTC... which totals to $100.00 USD (in 2009) so I would not have made the false presumption like MANY others that "this is a scam it will be worthless one day blah.." because even if a small or even huge part of me believed that to be true; with absolutely no faith in BTC, the whitepaper would've explained blockchain; speaking as an indiviudal who's been a tech geek his entire life (assembling motherboards while you were building legos) the appeal of the open source ledger alone would've enticed me and for that I would've taken the "chance" and spent AT THE VERY LEAST $10.00 for 1000 BTC seriously... unbelievable

    I mean why the fuck not? My rationale was simple: win-lose scenario; where it's low-risk yet MASSIVE reward. It's like buying a $5 scratchoff lotto ticket that has a 50% chance of winning millions and a 50% chance of coming up empty. People buy $5 scratchoffs with MARGINALLY less odds of winning (I looked it up for the purpose of making this point: 1 in 7,800,000) so tell me honestly that if you had all the information at the time you wouldn't?

    Moon/Lambo kiddies were in the right place/right time & happened to get lucky.....the ones that held for 5+ years were even luckier; at that point in time the market had established an uptrend pattern, so if you owned any BTC that you bought for chump change in 2009 & you saw it worth b that's it

    Nothing more, nothing less. They are the crypto equivalent to winning the powerball; that & those who are lucky enough to invest in the right ICO (which is statisically 0.1% of ICOs quarterly, so goodluck with that!

    THIS is my beef & biggest grievance with the lambo moon kiddies; if you won the lottery then good for you; you're smart & made a genius yet ridiculously lucky investment; maybe continue doing that instead of fucking posting a youtube video called "BTC RETIRED" or "I MADE X AMOUNT iN X DAYS TRADING CRYPTO!" literally lying to their viewers/subscribers bby deluding them into believing their returns were all earned through Forex swing-trading as most of mine have been.

    Besides, life is not fair. It is what it is. What can you do about it? Other than spread awareness & tell these idiots to fuck off flaunting their wealth before I send over some malware (adware, ransomware or a honeypot) & take it from you!! 🦠🦟 I challenge you to locate ONE person on this planet that either doesn't have what they deserve or has what they don't deserve... c'est la vie)

    A beautiful aspect of the market right now (some would argue bittersweet): is the uncertainty, rapid movement & constantly changing landscape.

    Upon reading my statement above & viewing this image; you should get a clear picture as to why the market has been behaving so erratically lately.


    I found it funny that (statistically, at least) there were more members signing up to binance and/or bittrex with each passing hour, literally. The irony being: the more people joined, the more people joined (if that makes any sense) lmao...I vividly remember checking charts during that (what I refer to as) "golden age of crypto" as I personally believe we will never have another opportunity as lucrative percentage wise, not price as we did during that quarter. where in a brief period of time we all experienced nirvana; absolute bliss...finding daily market cap/volume increasing with each passing hour, along with prevelant*** news; it was too good to be true! parabolic movement that we got to ride for the duration of Q4, and (for those of us who were involved pre-2017) a shitload of money!!****

    Although has admittedly made it WAY more difficult to obtain equal/close returns. I would be much more impressed with a 50% ROI in 2018 than a 5000% ROI in 2016; as the increase in user-base, decrease in flexibility & mainstream news cycle has put a microscope on insider trading so we are no longer the stereotype of the hooded hacker with sunglasses but we are ANYONE/everyone I saw a gorgeous (beautiful blonde single mother) who was invested; that is how you know we've passed the golden age :( which is bittersweet in that we'll never have that close, tight-knit community again but the massive surplus of new investors will substantially increase the value of our portfolios.

    P.S. I know I got a little carried away with this blog... and I'm all over the place; yet TBH I am just eager & excited to be posting again as I was inactive for almost 2 weeks! but to quote Schwarzenegger "I"M BACK!" so to the 80+ followers who abandoned me just because I was inactive for a week and a half; it's all good baby baby. I'll make it up to you :)

    Besides those of you who are familiar with my content know that my blog posts are not for the "TLDR" 250 character 6-second attention span type / generation. If you prefer videos; or 1000 characters or less, than you might dismiss this... however, If you like a good read; from an individual whose encountered EXTREME & truly unique circumstances (enough for two lifetimes), who posts content not just about crypto/TA but current events, philosophy, as well as a multitude of personal life experiences/my take on controversial issues pertaining to geopolitical affairs or modern history, or anything related to tech/finance... or just want a constant stream of new & exciting/surprising content from a great (self-proclaimed, being the operative word) author :) who switches up his content creation so that it is never dull or never the same; although mostly crypto/TA; as that is my area of expertise...

    So if you're new to my blog & are reading a post of mine for the first time; know that I have plenty more great stuff posted daily or every other day & absolutely NO SHORTAGE of shit to write about as I've encountered more than two lifetimes worth of drama & "you'd have to see it to believe it" type experiences throughout my short 28 years on this spinning blue ball in space; I can adamantly assure you that you will not be disappointed!

    I author/curate usually detailed, lengthy posts in the name of content promotion; those that offer value yet with little monetary incentive.. I'm not in this for the money but for the prestige. I love this platform & since day 1 it has been dear to me and most likely will remain my go-to source of social networking/gathering info from mature, educated cats & posting my own knowledge/experiences for the foreseeable future.

    My PC hard drive died; the "BSOD" or Blue Screen of Death to those who aren't familiar; so I had to resort to purchasing a laptop, hence explaining the inactivity, but fear not ladies, gents & overall fellow steemians!

    It feels great to be posting again. Feels like I'm home where I belong.


    #PeaceAndLove ☮️💜


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