
Ever since my first child was born I’ve found this Orson Wells quote to be extremely naive and obviously written by a man in a time when men had no idea about birth at all as it was women’s business that men took little, if any, part in.
No human is ever born alone.
We don’t hatch out of eggs like sea turtles.
It is virtually impossible for any mammal to be born alone.
We grow from and come out of another being.
Our mother.
And, in the case of hominids, there is almost always another 3rd person or more people to catch the child.
We are literally born into a collective.
That’s the physical reality.
Then the other stark reality is that we live and exist in a cosmic soup teaming with dynamic energy and life.
We are constantly surrounded by energy and trillions of molecules, as well as microbial life forms, which are inside us and intrinsically a part of us.
It is virtually impossible to be alone. Ever.

We are interdependent beings.

Independence and separation are anthropocentric illusions.

We are born together.
We live together.
We die together.

The question really is:
Do we die at all? Or do we merely pass through doors of perception?

You could say that we are alone, or more optimistically you could say that there is no duality; separateness to anything. The illusion is that we are these individual discrete beings. If one looks deeply, it can be seen that there is a fundamental interdependence to all things.

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