Our Natural Home Birth Story #Freebirth

in #birth8 years ago

Finally guys, as promised here is our long awaited natural home birthing story. We felt that a follow up to our first birth video would be valuable for any other soon-to-be moms and anyone interested in the natural birth process. We felt like we learned a lot from watching and reading others stories and we wanted to pay it forward.

We just want to say thank you again to all those who shared our journey with us. All the way through the pregnancy and for all the comments and messages we received during and since the birth. Especially for all the support we received from other mothers who offered their experiences and insights from the natural path. We hope that our story provides some valuable insights about how it went for us, of course we are not medical professionals and this is in no way medical advice.

We support you choosing the birthing plan that suits you best and we simply offer our sharing to help empower and educate you on your path. Absolutely we feel very blessed to have welcomed our healthy, happy and energetic baby boy! It was such sacred and bonding moment for us as a family and we wouldn't have changed anything about the way it went. Lots of love and good health.


KAI'S FIRST 100 DAY PHOTO DIARY https://www.instagram.com/kenistyles

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