Wildlife : Birdwatching - 828 🐦

in #birdwatching4 years ago


✔️The white wagtail (Motacilla alba)

In Siberia, these are quite familiar birds on city streets, and of course they are much less common than pigeons or sparrows, but you can always meet them on every walk.

These birds have practically become synanthropic, though seasonal. The fact is that they are migratory and are among the first to arrive in our country. In the old days, they even got the nickname "Icebreaker". It was believed that with the arrival of these birds real spring began, and the bird shaking her long tail as if breaking the ice getting rid of the remnants of winter. Apparently, the bird is very frost-hardy despite its graceful thin body structure.

They arrive early when it is still cold and fly out late. Even now, while I am writing this text, I just heard the flight call of a wagtail in the courtyard, but now we have +9 C and all migratory birds flew to warm countries a long time ago.

As for these photos. They were made by me in general in the spring in the forest. Yes, occasionally these birds appear there. In the first photo, the bird is sitting on the burnt-out ground after a forest fire, birds are very fond of such places, because there are many fried dead insects in it. In the second photo, the bird is wandering in shallow water in rather cold April weather.




А у нас трясогузки появляются когда уже довольно тепло.

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