We have an accident :(

in #birds7 years ago

Today we have a problem: (There was a conflict between the storks and one stork (Willow) was injured.) Someone pecked her in the head :( Fortunately my husband immediately took it and brought it home, we washed and processed the wound.

I left Willow in the house until morning. I hope tomorrow she will feel better.

Previously, we have never had a serious conflict between storks. I do not know what could provoke the conflict, because they have enough food, territory, and now is not a breeding season...

Photo of Willow before the wound. Now she does not look very good :(



So cool that you help a lesser fortunate soul. Did you see the news video of the young man who saved a wild rabbit from the California wild fires. A brave gesture for sure.

Poor Willow. Hope she recovers ok.

I do hope she will recover well. With love and trust she will pull through. I have had two birds, one a gander...he was attacked by a fox. And the other a duck who had part of her head and neck bitten off by a mink. I brought each into the house and at first kept them in a box of straw, and then they stayed in my kitchen sitting near the fire.
With love and care they healed. And they lived for many more years.
May your heron be another survivor.

I hope they get on better tomorrow :)

She is, thank you:)

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