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RE: Tacoma City Limits Birdathon: A Tahoma Audubon Fund Raiser and Big Day

in #birding6 years ago (edited)

I hope you get well soon. Being pregnant when you're not sick is tough enough. I figured out the photo issue today. I had my Mac crash a few days ago, and the repair guy thinks it was related to upgrading the operating system on a relatively old machine. He pushed me back to an older version of the operating system, and the stored photos on an external hard drive are in a newer version of Mac Photos. I installed today to an older version of photos and it went fine.
You are doing well on your blog, getting a good value for uproots. If you have any advice, please pass it on.


Thank you. I'm really glad you could figure out your pictures, I know when I have problems like that it bums me out.

I have bought/won/been sponsored for more than 100 shares in SteemBasicIncome. My husband, @josephsavage, started and runs the program. He gets management shares but hasn't had time to post on his own blog in a while, so to preserve the value from those, he delegated them to me until they can get more of the work automated and he has more time. He has been doing all of the enrollments by hand, and as it grows, it gets to be more and more work.
One thing I try to do (but I'm not always very good at) is going through tags that interest me and have a similar audience that my posts may appeal to. I comment/follow/upvote them and try to give them some attention now and then to build relationships. Before doing any of that, I always "search google for this image" for their photos and highlighting their text and searching google for it as well. I want to make sure I'm following and rewarding genuine work.
Going to Steem Creators Conference and meeting people in person was a good boost, both for my blog and for long term relationships. Also, running the contest I did recently was good to boost my following, even though it was not a requirement of the contest. I don't always get votes/comments from them but every once in a while they will stop in.

Oh, I also participate in the @yourluckyphotos tag drawing and the @photocontests tags as well. It gets me a little more exposure as well as tiny upvotes. As you win contests in photocontests they will up the level of your vote, though I think their system is overtaxed and their SP can't handle the amount of votes they give out because mine are still worth '0.00', which isn't actually 0 but kind of close enough.

Also, you can resteem your posts for free by going to the address bar when you are on your post and replacing the 'https://' with 're'. I don't know how effective that is but it is free. I do donate a few cents to it every once in a while but it is not mandatory.

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