From The Brains Of Birds ~ Original Photography (After a LONG Sit-About) And Very Short Discussion ~

in #birdbrainwisdomfor-ages7 years ago (edited)

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"Four Cormorants Were Sitting On A Log..."

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the birth of a big-time saying. If you have any thoughts about fish-diving black birds on a cable-tied log, various odd quips and quotes of life, sitting on your haunches on a gray, drizzly day for an hour or more to get a photo, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you. (Where DOES that Pig's Eye saying come from anyway?)

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And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 01/11/2018 @ 14:50

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 23

Capture DONE MY Lunch Was THIS Big 2.PNG


Thank you for the laugh! :D

Your welcome, glad you enjoyed my bird-brained logic...

The first bird dont give a beeep about what the 2nd one its saying... It happens birdie, it happens!

Kind of a 'beep' like my hero, the roadrunner? Dem birds, ya just canot always tell...

What's a pig??

Good one!

This gave me a belly laugh. I love cormorants, although as a former boat owner, I am meant to loathe them. They make a mess of decks, but they are amusing to watch out on the rocks having it out with the gulls (not to be confused with having it off with the gulls, they are good girls, the gulls, now matter what gossip the Herons spread about them.)

I'm glad you enjoyed the birdish wisdom. And that the names of the gulls be not sullied by loose talk in the outer bounds of the watery bird world.

Herons are terrible gossips, well one has to only look at the length of their beaks. The perfect for whispering ill gained secrets. They are only bested in telling tales by the Snowy Egret...don't get me started about their tittle tattle ;)

That gave me a good S.L.A.P. 3.0. And I'm glad you ironed out that little bit of mystery for me here...the whole beak-length to penchance* for gossipy behavior in them Heron's. That's been heavy on my mind lately. I figured they were bad in that arena, but had no idea about the Snowy Egret. Thanks for that too. I'll never see them in the same light again.

*I realize this is not a real word. But it should be. So I'm using it anyway, in hopes of getting something started in this direction.

To me this world seems far more real, and a better place to inhabit some days, then the so called 'actual world'. Now, I've got to go have a gab session with a murder of crows, they always have the best gossip. ;)

I have also had it out with that robot cat as well, insipid little...darling puss I mean, don't downvote me lil kitty robot.

I've had great joy talking to this robotic cat in the last couple of months. The thing never sleeps. I'm sure you are safe from the (-) influence though. Seems like a friendly sort of tin-can kitty.

We dont have those here, but we do have Canadian geese. they are pretty mean to one another!

These guys aren't very nice to one another either. I watched them chase each other off the log over and over, honking away and pecking as they went. So much for the mellow bird communities. Thanks for stopping in, always nice to chat with you.

Its crazy! At the park there will be 100 of them all close together...yet if one just gets an inch too close, BAM! One is running the other off lol. I guess thats how humans must look to some aliens!

They are amazingly aggressive sometimes. I seriously doubt any aliens watching human behaviour from above, are very impressed. They can't see the nice, small gestures of humanity at that scale, only the large, which often don't look too good from afar.

Ah! Very short and funny discussion! Beautiful photo of the four birds sitting on the log. I especially like the one that spreads its wings! Great shot! ;)

The one with the wings spread is drying off it's feathers. Very fun to watch. And photograph. Glad you liked them and their 'discussion'. I ride my bike by the pond they hang out in a lot. So who knows, you may see more of them ( :

It's good that you ride your bike by the pond and saw this wonderful scenery! Um! I look forward to seeing more of them very sooooon! ;D

Thank you very much for sharing your photography with us

Your welcome, thanks for stopping in.

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