in #bird6 years ago

Sometime in the distant past, there was a fledgling in a pen who sang for her trader proprietor. He took get a kick out of her tune day and night, and was so partial to her that he served her water in a brilliant dish. Before he cleared out for a business trip, he inquired as to whether she had a desire: "I will experience the timberland where you were conceived, past the winged animals of your old neighborhood. What message would it be advisable for me to take for them?"

The winged animal stated, "Reveal to them I sit brimming with distress in a pen singing my hostage tune. Day and night, my heart is brimming with sadness. I trust it won't be well before I see my companions again and fly openly through the trees. Present to me a message from the dazzling backwoods, which will set my heart calm. Goodness, I long for my Beloved, to fly with him, and spread my wings. Until then there is no happiness for me, and I am cut off from the greater part of life's sweet things."

The vendor went on his jackass through the thick backwoods. He tuned in to the songs of numerous flying creatures. At the point when the trader achieved the backwoods where his flying creature originated from, he halted, drove his hood back, and stated, "O you winged animals! Welcome to all of you from my beautiful winged animal secured her enclosure. She sends news of her affection to you and needs to recount her predicament. She requests an answer that will facilitate her heart. My adoration for her keeps her hostage with bars all around her. She needs to join her Beloved and sing her tunes through the air with a free heart, however I would miss her lovely tunes and can't release her."

Every one of the flying creatures tuned in to the trader's words. All of a sudden one fowl yelled and tumbled from a tree informal breakfast to the ground. The trader solidified to the spot where he stood. Nothing could amaze him more than this. One flying creature had tumbled down dead!

The vendor proceeded to the city and exchanged his products. Finally he came back to his home. He didn't comprehend what to tell his flying creature when she asked what message he had brought. He remained before her pen and stated, "Gracious, nothing to talk about no, no." The flying creature cried, "I should know without a moment's delay."

I don't comprehend what happened, said the shipper. "I revealed to them your message. At that point, one of them tumbled down dead." Suddenly the shipper's fledgling let out a horrendous scream and fell on her make a beeline for the base of the pen. The dealer was sickened. He sobbed in lose hope, "Goodness, what have I done?" He cried, "What Have I done? Presently my life amounts to nothing. My moon has gone thus has my sun. Presently my own winged animal is dead."

He opened the pen entryway, came to in, and brought her into his hands delicately and painstakingly. "I should cover her now," he said; "poor thing is dead."

All of a sudden, the minute he had lifted the feathered creature out of the pen, she swooped up, flew out of the window and arrived on the closest rooftop incline. She swung to him and stated, appreciatively, "Thank you, vendor ace, for conveying my message. That fowl's answer trained me how to win my flexibility. All I needed to do was to be dead. I picked up my opportunity when I dieed."

"So now I travel to my Beloved who sits tight for me. Farewell, farewell, my lord never again." "My winged animal was insightful; she showed me mystery," the vendor reflected.

On the off chance that you need to be with the ones you cherish, you should be prepared to surrender everything, even life itself. And after that, by Allah, you will win your heart's longing.

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