The Cheetah's Life & its Characteristics

in #biology6 years ago
Cheetah or as other names Acinonyx jubatus is one of the many large cats that live on this Earth. He is a famous predator among other big cats.

But not because of the strength of his body, but because the running speed reaches 110 Km /hour with the acceleration of 0-100 in 3.5 seconds. Which makes it the fastest animal on land.

The Cheetah Body Characteristics

The cheetah has a small head, a long neck, a flexible spine, a deep chest and strong legs. The aerodynamic body shape allows the cheetah to jump and run at high speed. moreover, it is supported by a long tail which is used as a command in running.

The cheetah is characterised by a slender body, deep chest, spotted coat, small rounded head, black tear-like streaks on the face, long thin legs and long spotted tail. Its lightly built, slender form is in sharp contrast with the robust build of the big cats, making it more similar to the cougar. The cheetah reaches 70 to 90 cm (28 to 35 in) at the shoulder, and weighs 21–72 kg (46–159 lb). Cheetah Wikipedia source

But Cheetah body weight varies, ranging from 43 to 67 kg with a length of 180 to 240 cm. Unlike other big cats or cat families in general, Cheetah claws cannot be pulled into.

Characteristics of the Cheetah's Life

Actually, Cheetah is a lonely animal. Only a few moments after mating, male cheetahs accompany the female. Cheetahs are predators for ostrich, anthelop, thompson deer, prairie rabbits, even wildebeest and zebras. Cheetah is very good at choosing weak prey.

They will stalk their prey to within 100–300 m (330–980 ft), charge towards it and kill it by tripping it during the chase and biting its throat to suffocate it to death. Cheetahs can reach speeds of 112 km/h (70 mph) in short bursts, but this is disputed by more recent measurements. The average speed of cheetahs is about 64 km/h (40 mph). Cheetah Wikipedia source

Spots all over his body created excellent camouflage when Cheetah stalked his prey. And suddenly chasing their prey at high speed, but Cheetah's stamina did not last long, only lasted in the range of 400 to 500 m.

cheetahs do not ambush their prey or attack within springing distance. Prey may be spotted within seconds or stalked for hours. When the cheetah is within 70 to 100 m (230 to 330 ft.), the chase begins. A chase lasts perhaps 20 seconds, with few pursuits exceeding one minute. The distance covered averages 170 m (550 ft.), but some may continue pursuit for about 500 m (1,640 ft.). Rarely will a cheetah attempt an attack if more than 200 m (650 ft.) away from prey. Diet & Eating Habits source

The cheetah drops its prey by giving a small touch in the back leg of its prey when its prey is running and when the prey falls, it then poops on the neck of its prey to death. Cheetah drinks every 3-4 days.

The Cheetah mains contain for 3 months and can give birth to 4 children. The cheetah gives birth in a remote area, avoiding the child from other predators such as lions and hyenas. Cheetahs feed on their mothers 2-4 months. At 6 weeks old, Cheetah children are able to follow their mother.


Cheetah Wikipedia source

Diet & Eating Habits source

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Long live the cheetah!

Even the cheetahbot (which is almost as fast as a real cheetah) is cool. Great post!


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