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RE: The First Physically Mapped Human Gene

in #biology6 years ago

I hope you do a post on the US-led human genome project next. Watson, of Watson and Crick, was the head of government genomics project. 7 years into the project with billions in funding producing little in the way of results, Craig Venter, a lower ranking scientist, approaches Watson with a novel idea. Use cutting enzymes, replicate the pieces, and have supercomputers analyze. (Something along those lines of automating most of the technical minutiae) Watson calls him a talentless monkey and throws him out of his office. Venter fuming, leaves the genomics project and founds Celera to compete with the government initiative.

Celera promises patents on DNA/genes mapped and raises enough capital to compete with the government initiative and quickly outpaces them. By this time Watson is out of the picture, and the government adopts Venter's method, barely beating him to completing the human genomic sequence first. Alas! The germ of patenting human gene and profiting from DNA has already been set loose upon the ravenous mercantile parasites, all because Watson could not see beyond his oversized ego.


I remember only the superficialities of Craig Venter's involvement. The competition did push the government to complete the project sooner, that much I remember.

The Human Genome Project will come up soon, maybe even in the next post.

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