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RE: The neurobiology of stereotypes

in #biology6 years ago

Oh the Us vs Them's crazy and yeah it's still here very strongly.

I feel sometimes like our governments want to keep us separated through prejudice.

Interesting test with Jack the Lawyer. But in my logic Jack was definitely more an engineer than a lawyer! I think this behavior must come from media, our parents and schools, we are constantly told to not trust the strange (strangers or those who are different than we are) no?

True, no one is born with that. Making assumptions about someone (or anything) is a handicap. I started telling everyone I know to read The 4 Agreements, a sort of life guide, or philosophy I guess... One of the agreements is: Never assume anything! That alone can bring people a long way towards a none prejudice self...

Thank you


It is a shame that us vs. them is still strong but I do think that we can change that with talking and educating people. Thank you for your great comment, keep on not assuming! 💚

I'm not really convinced there will ever be no more us vs. them and I'm usually a lretty positive thinker. We may be the same human race across the board but we are all so different at the same time. Because we have this complex thinking process our cultures make us believe the the world has all these different facets... and perhaps it does but we don't need to be seperated. I say this bit I do hope one day we will all be one.

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