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RE: Science Lesson: DNA (Part7, The Ribosome: Cellular Machine and Remnant From an RNA World)

in #biology8 years ago

It would appear to me that a Ribosome is a molecular assembler. It takes the programming from the messenger RNA and makes stuff. ?

Hmmm...I wonder what ELSE they, or some thing like them, could be programmed to make?


That is a really nice analogy for the ribosome, a molecular assembler. I like it! Re programming the ribosome would be an interesting task and require understanding of how and why the RNA folds like it does. You would need to change the "active site" in order to change the materials it could use to make something. It's a really interesting idea as well, though I don't know if we (science in general) yet have the basics down well enough to accomplish it.

we don't. But we're getting there. I have a relative who works in that field and we had an interesting conversation a while back. I was telling him all of the interesting thing that I had read about that were going to happen soon. He smiled and told me that it was old news...the stuff I was talking about was already being done in laboratories and some were even in the prototype stage.

neural interfaces, molecular assemblers, and various forms of nanotechnology. I was stunned.

what do you mean by they?

ribosomes as I understand it.

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