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RE: Christmas Disease — Yes, it's real, 100% scientifically proven!

in #biology7 years ago (edited)


I must abuse your post in order to give you the note, that I nominated you for the black & white challenge :-)) I know that you were just waiting for someone coming around this corner.

Curious, how you are going to take the challenge!

I say "spasiba" in advance "my Russian" connection:)

P.S. congrats to this article and the high upvote! I will read it later, I promise!

Edit: You almost got me with the red green color test! I was a little frozen and then quickly continued reading. You rascal! :-) This little humor of you sparkled here and there is indeed very entertaining. Excellent work of yours.

I must myself write another article. Though I am so busy with family that I hardly get any breaks. But I don't want to complain. I love to stay with my brothers & sister.


Damn, I have to come up with ideas now! p

Your Russian sounds so much like German! On the other hard, the Russians did borrow many words from German, and zdrastvyit'e sounds very much like one!

I'm very happy my color test worked! I wondered if anyone would fall for it, at least for a second, like do a double-take and say "huh!?", and feel their heart skip a beat, a sudden small panic! 😄

Yeah I promised myself to write one science article a week, and every time the deadline nears I have to make time for it which isn't always easy, especially now, so I feel you!

I was lucky with this one, I was trying to think, is there anything Christmas-related in introductory biology that jibes with the previous stuff I wrote? And suddenly Christmas disease just came to me, and the whole article sort of popped up in my awareness. I wonder if there's anything New-year-related! New Year's disease? Doesn't ring a bell.

Many spacibos for the nomination and for reading the whole thing, I suspect not many do!

Happy holidays and family-times to you and hope your article-writing will be swift and not take a lot of your time!

Now I must get to work on that B&W thing, which I suspect is a 'get SBD quick scheme'. Hmm..

That's exactly what happened: I was looking at two RED parcels and thought: "Huh"??? And then this thought popped into my mind like: "I was never aware of that... " and then I thought "... No, wait, just go on reading" :-)) You did a good job on that!

Yes, I am having the same goal with Steemstem articles. But I am afraid this week I won't have enough concentration here in the lap of my family. Let's see - hehe, "New Years disease" does not sound very sexy. LOL. I am sure you are going to find a much better topic.

Yes, my Russian is German. HaHa!!

Have fun with your motives for the challenge. It is more joy than I would have expected. No easy SBD - at least not for me but that it's not what it is about, I guess.

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