How I Cured the Flu in 2 Days - The Scariest Pepper in the World

in #biohacking8 years ago (edited)

Winter is coming, and so is flu season

This week was not a good week to get sick. Unfortunately, my wife had been sick for over a week with what we assume was the flu. Full-blown body aches, headache, sore throat, fever, congestion, the whole nine yards. We are in the process of moving into our new place this weekend, on top of having 2 events to attend Friday and Saturday evening. Couple that with the fact that we were out of town last weekend and already had general catching up on errands to do; and you have the perfect time to not be sick. I went to bed Tuesday night feeling like I was on the verge of illness, and woke throughout the night as my body temperature rose. Wednesday morning, I woke up sick as a dog. 

As some of you may know from my previous posts (as a quick plug, you can find them here and here), I am fascinated with biohacking. I thought there had to be a way to get around being sick, and I certainly did not want to wait a week to feel better. So, I did some research and here is the protocol I used to be up and running this morning (Thursday) feeling like new. 


Of course, you say, everyone who is sick takes Airborne! You're right, and for the most part it works pretty well; however, I did not feel like, by itself, it worked fast enough. For those of you that don't know what Airborne is, it is essentially an effervescent tablet full of Vitamin C (1000 MG per tablet) and 350 MG of other goodies (echinacea, ginger, etc,). I took two tablets at a time every 2 hours. 


This stuff is disgusting. There is no other way to put it. When my wife got sick,  I went down to the local health food store and asked what would help. This is what the woman with the copious armpit hair recommended. This liquid dog crap has a similar ingredient profile to Airborne, but also includes Elderberry, Goldenseal, Myrrh, Thyme, Colloidal Silver and White Willow Bark extract. I took this three times a day, between doses of Airborne. 

GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract)

This is one that I've used before. It's really great for a sore throat, though it does have a bitter taste. I put 40 drops in a gallon jug of water and drank it throughout the day. Among other uses, which include boosting immune system function and alkalizing the body, it is also used as a means to purify water and is said to be as effective as chlorine. So, it is just plain good for you!

Detox Soak

Pour a hot bath, add 2 cups of Epsom Salt, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 2 tablespoons of ground ginger. Sit and soak for 20-30 minutes. The ginger in the water will make you sweat! When you first get in you may even feel a tingly heat. Baking soda is also said to have a detoxing effect on the body when added to a soak. In addition, the Epsom Salts sooth the general flu achiness. I did this once each day.

Carolina Reaper Pepper

At 2.2M Scoville Units (the heat index for spicy foods), the Carolina Reaper pepper is officially the hottest pepper known to man. Just to put it in perspective, one Carolina Reaper pepper is the equivalent of 10-12 habanero peppers, or 275 jalapenos. 2.2M Scoville is the equivalent of a low-level pepper spray.

While at the local plant nursery with my wife, I came across a Carolina Reaper plant. The peppers just looked scary; and I liked the idea of growing the hottest pepper in the world in my backyard. They have been growing now for about a month, and until this week, I had not figured out how I wanted to use them. Being a connoisseur of spicy food, I knew that spicy peppers are an excellent decongestant. 

Boy, was I right! I cooked a Carolina Reaper pepper into a tomato sauce, poured it over a lamb chop and some rice, and grabbed the tissue paper. Before I knew it, my sinuses were as clear as could be! 

I ate another pepper with my eggs in the morning to clear out any extra congestion and again with a burger at lunch. My wife, not being a fan of spicy food, is still fighting congestion, and I am breathing great. 

As a word of warning, this pepper is extremely hot! It is not for the faint of heart. As you can see from the photo above, I used gloves when handling it. The last thing you want is to rub your eyes or nose after handling this with your bare hands. 


I am not a doctor, and I probably never will be. I enjoy trying these experiments out on myself and sharing the results with you; and while most of the above is considered fairly safe, I do not make any medical recommendations and suggest you talk to a medical professional for advice.

Having said that, I am pretty pleased with the results. I don't get sick often, so, unfortunately, I don't expect that I will be able to properly narrow down which of the above treatments were most effective. We are beginning the arduous process of moving our belongings to our new place and I am glad to be at full strength. I hope, as flu season approaches, that you find this helpful. As always, I'd love to hear your results and of course if you have any questions.


Hi there!
I found some very useful info here. I'll take notes, if you don't mind.
I will share with you that I cured my last flu with a jar of garlic juice. A handful of garlic cloves blended with a bit of salt in 750 ml of still water. I drank that slowly - and tried very hard not to acknowledge the smell :D .
It did wonders to my system. I got rid of the fever and sinus congestion quite fast. My tonsils benefited from the juice, too. If I remember correctly, I started feeling like a human being again within 2 hours after having drank the garlic juice.
A hot bath helped with the muscle ache. The next day I was good to go :)
I can't stand hot peppers - you were quite brave to ingest them, IMO. The best I can do, when I catch a cold, is to drink black tea with a few pieces of ginger in it, as much as I can endure. I also use tea tree oil and clove oil - although the taste is horrible, they are very efficient.

Simply Great Information and Presentation

how does any of this have anything to do with bio hacking? O.o looks to me like u took a bunch of over the counter drugs and home remedies. maby its just me but people are over using the word hack now days. would love to hear how this was bio hacking to you

Get back to me when you have something productive to say, or when one of your posts makes even 1 cent. Thanks.

I care not about the money. how come u flagged my post? should I flagg all our posts to pay back the favor? and im sry but you did not answer my question bout how what you posted about has anything to do with bio hacking. im sure you wont answer that tho. maby edit your post so it doesn't talk about how this is all bio hacking to you now? why did you flagg my post? answer any of them instead of talking about being non productive.

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