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RE: Bio Hacking Series - 2 - Mood

in #bio-hacking6 years ago

Hi :)) The person is complicated. Our emotions completely depend on the situations in which we are. Everything matters to our mood. Each person perceives the same circumstance in his own way. But there are always emotions, as a response to the situation. The need for money, the ability to communicate with people, reactions to events - it's all our experience and perception.


Hello :)
Indeed there is nothing more difficult than emotions and communications.

If we are able to question the beliefs we have that cause us to become upset, then we can avoid having the emotions of fear and contraction.

This is more effective than trying to repair relationship damage from expressing the emotion reactively.

The emotions of connection and empathy await those who can let go of the stories that make them reactive.
Those stories are ancient, simple and have been repeating for centuries.

My life work is to let go of the stories and return to the sensations of resonance.
Ironically using words to write what I find is less than ideal :)

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