Binance = Chinese Freemasons? Does the binance Logo reveal a Chinese Freemason Crypto-conspiracy?

in #binance6 years ago

this was pointed out by @lionspaw who showed me the freemason logo in Binance logo, as a possible call out to freemasons world wide as if to say "You can trust us Brother"

@battleaxe will like this post I believe.... she is into this stuff, and that is why she is more interesting than your average steemian! Also @frankbacon will appreciate this!

Here's some proof that I make good investments, 1000%+in performance

Here. i am selling 1 sbd every day to buy 1 steem to power up, so I can power up 1SP per day

Oh this former facebook employee talks of short term dopamine reward feedback loops from worthless likes and heart icons....i feel like he would love steem and our long term rewards

vaporwave diddy kong racing, mario hits a black to get an 8 bit coin ;)

Here is an old video @elgeko made me think of when he started taking about Fritz chips and the problem of android phones not allowing you to be your own administrator in the sense than you have to jailbrea your own product, and he is right, and it made me think of THIS song "We Want Your SOul"

we will see marriage proposals on steem oh and i may pay skywriters to write "" in the sky over several big cities around the world simultaniously

oh and i sold sbd for 1 steem and powered up!

Thanks to @elgeko I can end my post with a nice little Custom artwork signature! I also want to give some new ladies on some recognition, @ultraviolet @kassixo and @ladyrednails who just make the discord chat so much nicer! hearing the lady voices gives all of us stressed out crypto hustlers that much welcomed dopamine rush, as if our ears are telling us, "Ahh there is a female in your proximity! Now is the part where I would post some images of @kassixo and @ultraviolet and @ladyredails to show you all how attractive they all are but I will let you all go see for yourselves! I don't know them wel enough to do stuff like that, but go check them out and be nice to them so they continue to hangout with us! Maybe can be a Husband farm and @whatsup and @battleaxe (the OG females there) can end up sorting us crypto hustling men out for possible husband material :D


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Powering up 1 SP a day is a great idea now that Steem is $5 to $8 !

Maybe we can get whales to power up 30SP for every month to do it just once a month!

may be funny this friend

@tytran I Love the way your thinking and I am for this power UP by Whales too...............Thank You for all your kindness and what you do to make STEEMIT Great !

@ackza I agree the MASON symbol is pretty creepy. Just keep doing what you are doing and thanks for promoting STEEMIT the way that you do.


haha. chinese freemasons. Interesting conspiracy. Interesting indeed.

Is this the best way to power up a little every day?
Looks like a good idea be consistent nice post man

I just want to show everyone how if we all power up 1 steem a day that could be 50,000 active users all powering up 50,000 steempower everyday!

And its also a great way to have material topost about!

I've been watching this coin and wondering, thinking the freemasons may have a more solid long term bet, we all know they've done it before...

I noticed in the last octet that most traders went to them and I do not know the reason for convincing it to be the assignment of the assignment to me I get the reward of what Rick you bro

Very intriguing conspiracy theory.

an end up sorting us crypto hustling men out for possible husband material
Hahah, that sounds interesting.

I like your decision to power up, 1 steem per day. It will go a long way in no time. Cheers.

Wow, I must be then some New World Order dude....

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