Why did Melinda Gates want a divorce? Epstein, Weinstein is there a Gatestein? Remember the ties, photos and gift agreement between Jeffrey Eptsein and Bill Gates? How about the atmosphere of sexual abuse at Microsoft and his known affair?

in #billgatesdivorce3 years ago (edited)

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Melinda Gates was reportedly "haunted" by her husband's connection with the convicted pedophile financier who died by suicide after he was jailed in 2019, per The Daily Beast.

The Wall Street Journal asserts that the divorce has something to do with Bill's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

Do you suppose there is truth that statement?

You decide.

Note a run down through a simple search conducted from duck duck go.

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According to the Guardian,

Melinda is said to have expressed unease at Bill’s relationship with Epstein since at least 2013. Her meeting with divorce lawyers in October 2019 is said to have taken place at roughly the same time as a New York Times article detailed Bill’s meetings with Epstein, which included an overnight stay at Epstein’s New York mansion.

The article, which detailed Epstein’s connections with the rich and powerful, said none of them “compared in prestige and power to the [then] world’s second-richest person, a brilliant and intensely private luminary: Bill Gates. And unlike many others, Mr Gates started the relationship after Mr Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.”

Why did Bill Gates make this statement when all investigators know otherwise and have Proof?

“Every meeting where I was with him were meetings with men. I was never at any parties or anything like that. He never donated any money to anything that I know about.”

See here where one meeting including Gates also included billionaire Eva Andersson-Dubin and her then-teenage daughter.


More validation of this from the Cut,

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Proof not only from my investigative article that is fully sourced, but also from one of the mainstreams very own corporate owned media platforms,

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Here is the Wall Street Journal article from May 9, 2021

Ms. Gates consulted with divorce lawyers roughly two years before she filed for divorce from Mr. Gates, saying their marriage was “irretrievably broken,” according to people familiar with the matter and documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The 56-year-old philanthropist has been working with lawyers at several firms since at least 2019 to unwind the marriage of more than 25 years, according to these people and the documents.

Last Monday, the billionaire couple announced they were ending their marriage. In a joint statement posted on Twitter, they said, “we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives.”

The couple hasn’t said what prompted the split. One source of concern for Ms. Gates was her husband’s dealings with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, according to the people and a former employee of their charity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ms. Gates’s concerns about the relationship dated as far back as 2013, the former employee said.


So what exactly are they talking about?

When I was putting up information pertaining to this for years, platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter heavily censored and tried to claim it was false. Not false now or will they still claim it and remove content on YouTube and Facebook though I always put Verified Sources?

According to the Daily Mail and various other sources you will find once you do your own search. . .

The report unearthed an e-mail dated October 2014 in which the university’s Media Lab director Joi Ito writes: 'This is a $2M gift from Bill Gates directed by Jeffrey Epstein'.

A colleague replied: 'For gift recording purposes, we will not be mentioning Jeffrey’s name as the impetus for this gift.'

The extent of Epstein's relationship with MIT was revealed following his shock jailhouse suicide last month at the age of 66. He died just weeks after he was arrested on federal charges of child sex trafficking.

The bombshell report revealed that Epstein was 'disqualified' in MIT's official donor database, yet the Media Lab continued to accept gifts from him.

It included emails Media Lab director Joi Ito exchanged with Epstein in 2014 – after the millionaire was convicted and jailed for child sex crimes in 2008 – showing he accepted a whopping $1.7million in donations. [interesting number?]. 17 is very important to the globalists.

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That number was nearly $1million more than the $800,000 the school had publicly apologized for.

Epstein served as a liason between the university and wealthy donors, soliciting millions of dollars in donations.

The documents reveal that the university was aware of Epstein’s history where he pleaded guilty to state charges of solicitation of prostitution and procurement of minors for prostitution yet continued to accept money from him and took conscious steps to assure his name wasn’t associated with the donations.

See a photo of Bill Gates with Epstein here,
Bill Gates Not so Fast, claimed to not have connections to Epstein but visited the mansion given to Epstein by Wexner when Epstein's Ex was there with her teen daughter. Are you acting like a dead sheep or do you know what's up and what's down?


According to Business Insider,

Since Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on charges of sex trafficking of minors and conspiracy in July, billionaire Bill Gates has downplayed his relationship with the late financier.

Now, contrary to Gates' assertion last month that he and Epstein "didn't have any business relationship or friendship," The New York Times reports that the two met multiple times beginning in 2011, and at least three times at Epstein's Manhattan residence.

One meeting included billionaire Eva Andersson-Dubin and her then-teenage daughter. The family has been closely linked to Epstein since Dubin dated Epstein in the 1980s, though they've attempted to distance themselves in recent months.

A source close to Epstein told Business Insider that Epstein and Gates liked to talk about science and philanthropy together, and said their relationship preceded 2013. The source said Epstein liked to work with senior businessmen at the end of their careers, and that Epstein’s dynamic personality often reminded those men of the son they wished they had, or even of themselves at a younger age.

Gates flew on Epstein’s private plane in 2013 from New Jersey to Palm Beach, according to flight logs released in connection with an Epstein-related case. Epstein has a large home in Palm Beach, and often flew friends, including the Dubins, on his plane. A spokeswoman for Gates told The Times that Gates was not aware it was Epstein’s plane.

Epstein also sought to work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to The Times. He wanted to join the foundation’s efforts with JPMorgan as the groups created the Global Health Investment Fund.

He also wanted to start a separate charitable fund, seeded with Gates Foundation money, to focus on global health projects. Epstein would bring in more donations, which would earn him fees potentially in the tens of millions.

Gates’ spokeswoman told The Times that the foundation was not aware of the fee, but that he “did propose to Bill Gates and then foundation officials ideas that he promised would unleash hundreds of billions for global health-related work.”

Foundation employees visited his New York mansion multiple times, per The Times. Some, after learning that he was a sex offender, were wary of damaging the foundation’s reputation. One team was incredulous of Epstein’s claims of having access to trillions of dollars that could go in the charitable fund.

At least two senior Gates Foundation employees stayed in contact with Epstein until late 2017, The Times reported.

In this Business Insider article from Sept. 2019

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  • Microsoft founder, philanthropist, and former richest person in the world Bill Gates has been connected to the late financier Jeffrey Epstein before.

  • Now, an additional connection was reported by The New Yorker, which obtained emails from MIT Media Lab directors that say the convicted sex offender "directed" Gates to donate $2 million to the research lab in October 2014.

  • The latest link comes after reported meetings between the two wealthy men, including one in New York in 2013 that preceded a ride to Palm Beach in one of Epstein's private planes, along with Gates' former chief scientific adviser being named as alternate executor to Epstein's will.

  • Epstein's run-ins with Gates demonstrate yet again how vast wealth opens doors, regardless of one's criminal background, as Epstein was convicted of two counts of soliciting underage girls for prostitution before his known ties to Gates occurred.

See more in the article link above.

To see evidence that when Gates posed for the photo with Epstein and associates, in the timeline, Epstein had Already been convicted of pedophilia. As all investigators know he only got a slap on the wrist the first time, a posh jail cell and freedom to continue perpetrating during the day when he went into the "office" During his daily sentence.

You don't suppose he knew Other people in high places in addition to Bill Gates do you?

An email written by the MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito says Gates was "directed by" Epstein to donate $2 million to the research lab in October 2014.

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According to the New York Times article in Sept. 2019

Almost immediately, the M.I.T. official, Joichi Ito, left the boards of three other organizations: the MacArthur Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and The New York Times Company, where he had been a board member since 2012. He also left a visiting professorship at Harvard.

Mr. Ito, the tech evangelist and master networker who led the M.I.T. Media Lab — a program that prides itself on contrarian thinking — acknowledged last week that he had received $1.7 million from Mr. Epstein, including $1.2 million for his own outside investment funds.

Mr. Ito’s resignation came less than a day after an article in The New Yorker described the measures that he and other media lab officials took to conceal its relationship with Mr. Epstein. The internal emails, which a former media lab employee shared with The New York Times, described the handling of donations that Mr. Epstein made and apparently solicited from the rich and powerful over the years, including a $2 million gift from the Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

In an email in October 2014 — **six years after Mr. Epstein had pleaded guilty to a sex charge involving a minor in Florida — Mr. Ito wrote that the gift from Mr. Gates had been “directed by Jeffrey Epstein.” A development official at the media lab, Peter Cohen, wrote in a subsequent email, **

“For gift recording purposes, we will not be mentioning Jeffrey’s name as the impetus for this gift.”


Mr. Ito’s resignation from M.I.T. was followed in quick succession by announcements from other organizations.

Signe Swenson, who served as a development associate and alumni relations coordinator at the M.I.T. Media Lab from 2014 to 2016, shared the internal emails concerning Mr. Epstein with The Times. She said she had told supervisors several times of her “disgust” at Mr. Epstein’s involvement.

“That was never listened to,” Ms. Swenson, who worked under Mr. Cohen, said in an interview on Saturday. Ms. Swenson shared the correspondence after consulting with the organization Whistleblower Aid.

She said she learned of Mr. Epstein’s connection with the media lab when she interviewed for a position in March 2014, and told Mr. Cohen that M.I.T. listed Mr. Epstein as “disqualified” as a donor. She said Mr. Cohen replied that Mr. Ito had a relationship with the wealthy financier. In one 2014 email that Ms. Swenson shared, Mr. Ito wrote about a $100,000 donation from Mr. Epstein, asking the development staff members to “make sure this gets accounted for as anonymous.”

Mr. Ito took over the Media Lab in 2011 following a rapid ascent in the tech world that made him an unorthodox choice to lead an academic program, but not the freewheeling media lab. He was a two-time college dropout who had run a nightclub, then ran a string of internet companies and invested early in Twitter, Kickstarter and Flickr.

He was also a master networker — one who visited the Obama White House to discuss artificial intelligence and became friends with the respected Harvard lawyer Lawrence Lessig after criticizing Mr. Lessig’s book when he gave a talk in Japan. Mr. Lessig later put Mr. Ito on the board of Creative Commons, a nonprofit advocate for public intellectual property rights.

Mr. Ito’s ability to connect with both students and wealthy donors had helped him raise at least $50 million for the Media Lab, a sort of academic skunkworks. It has contributed to the development of technology related to touchscreens and GPS, is home to a program dedicated to democratizing access to outer space and hands out $250,000 awards to those “challenging the norms, rules or laws that sustain society’s injustices.”

Was it sanctioned and Mr. Ito was the fall guy? You decide!

At a meeting on Wednesday night with media lab personnel, Mr. Ito said he had “screwed up” by accepting the money, but that he had done so after a review by the university and consultation with his advisers.

The emails provided by Ms. Swenson outlined the informal role that Mr. Epstein played at the media lab. In the correspondence about the donation from Mr. Gates, Mr. Cohen wrote that Mr. Ito “did not talk with Bill Gates” and that the program “did not solicit this money.” In another, from May 2014, Mr. Cohen and Mr. Ito discussed Mr. Epstein helping connect the media lab to Mr. Black, the Apollo Global Management founder, who Mr. Epstein had advised on issues including philanthropy.

Mr. Cohen wrote that Mr. Black wanted to make a large donation “in honor of a friend, who wishes to remain anonymous,” and later asked Mr. Ito to find out from Mr. Epstein whether Mr. Black himself wanted to remain anonymous. One email indicated that Mr. Black had given the media lab a gift of $4 million by wire transfer.

Mr. Cohen also asked Mr. Ito whether Mr. Black would like a thank-you note from M.I.T.’s president. Mr. Black’s preference would be something “you or Jeffrey knows best,” he wrote.

Mr. Cohen, now the director of development for computer and data science initiatives at Brown University, did not respond to messages seeking comment on Saturday.

TRT Turkish Television was brave enough to report.

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TRT courageous enough to talk about what mainstream media news in the United States doesn't want to cover.

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Do you remember all the fame Bill Gates garnered for his company Microsoft? Many may not realize he was not grass roots, but rather his mother Mary Gates got his foot in the door at IBM when she was on a board with the CEO, John Opel. See more about his and Melinda's family history as her father worked on the Apollo Missions. These elitists were not at all happenstance, they were already in play as were their wealthy and connected families.

This shows the true history of Bill and Melinda with verified sources,

Note the numbers in the comments and shares as of May 24, 2021 the hand of Providence? You decide!

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Facebook Frames the Gig is Up on the GATES and their Virtue Signaling "Philanthropy!"

Charity aims to relieve the pain of a particular social problem, whereas philanthropy attempts to address the root cause of the problem.

Take a stab out Their Solution for the problem?**

Hand Of Providence

See a report on this from Turkish Tv here,
Why did Bill Gates meet Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was convicted? Pushed Melinda to divorce?

Here is just some of the evidence this was reported by the New York Times, yet numerous times Facebook and other platforms have attempted to claim it is False. Why did they not claim this to the New York Times?
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Same exact photo I showed. . .

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From This article,

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Was Bill Gates duped as he tried to claim?
If so then why the connection between Gates and Epstein?

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  • Documents buried in a discrimination case claim Microsoft is a place where women are 'ignored, abused, or degraded
  • The first plaintiff was Katherine Moussouris, a computer security researcher who worked at the company from 2007 to 2014
  • She told DailyMail.com: 'It was a culture of testing women poorly with impunity and I think these revelations (about Gates) have shown that to the world'
    Women at the company filed 238 complaints with the HR department, of which 108 were about sexual harassment and 118 were gender discrimination

Employees code-named a project 'Wrecking Ball' in honor of Miley Cyrus' raunchy music video and wrote an email called 'Working Backwards' filled with stereotypes about women,' the case claimed.

One woman complained about being asked by a male co-worker why she was 'dressed like a wh**e' while another man bombarded a woman with messages offering to 'spank' her.

Among the litany of incidents was a man who groped four women in a single night at a work function yet an internal investigation found he didn't breach anti-harassment rules, writing it off as 'poor interpersonal awareness'.

The lawsuit claimed: 'The flagrant and repeated incidents of sexual misconduct toward women at Microsoft reflects the corporate culture in which women are undervalued and underpaid'.

The allegations in the case, which was dismissed only last November, will add to the discomfort of Microsoft executives who are reeling about the claims that Gates had a years-long affair with a Microsoft employee starting in 2000.

Reports this week have said that during his time at Microsoft, Gates 'pursued' several female employees even though he was married to his estranged wife Melinda French Gates.

Gates also allegedly had 'men's club' style meetings with the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and would vent to him about his 'toxic' marriage to French Gates, who filed for divorce earlier this month.

The lawsuit against Microsoft was filed in 2015 alleging a 'policy, pattern and practice of sex discrimination against female employees'

Women were allegedly paid less than men, were promoted less frequently and retaliated against by male managers when they complained, all due to Microsoft's 'lack of proper accountability to ensure fairness'.

Katherine Moussouris was later joined by two other Microsoft employees, Holly Muenchow and Dana Piermarini.

Moussouris told DailyMail.com: 'It was a culture of testing women poorly with impunity and I think these revelations (about Gates) have shown that to the world.

'Not only did he choose his wife from his employees he chose to target several other women to fulfil himself with no consequences.

'It felt like this culture flowed from the top and it was a culture of paying lip service to diversity and inclusion and not really supporting women in sexual assault claims or their career progression'.

Moussouris said she dropped the lawsuit after Microsoft tried to settle with her but she refused as she would have to sign a gagging order stopping her from speaking about it.


'This cultural backdrop has had a real effect on me. I consider myself to be a strong person. I have a strong track record of performance over a long tenure. I should not feel powerless. But I do. Completely. Powerless'.

One woman only identified as 'Andrews' alleged that a male colleague touched her inappropriately and repeatedly at work events during 2012.

The man made 'unprovoked comments about her boyfriend's penis size' and asked how it compared to her prior boyfriend's penis size.

The man denied making such statements when questioned by the Microsoft internal. investigation team, known as ERIT.

He claimed that the woman was 'very flirty and crosses the line first'.

The woman also claimed that at another company event the man said that she looked like a 'naughty nurse' and put his hand on her bare thigh.

The woman claimed that the man told her several times not to talk to HR.

The most serious incidents in the lawsuit were the three alleged rapes and sexual assaults.

They included a female Microsoft intern raped by a male Microsoft intern who reported the incident to her supervisor and HR.

Despite this she had to continue to work alongside her alleged rapist and when she told her boss she was considering a restraining order she was told she would be moved off the team if she did so.

The rapist was offered a full time job at Microsoft, the documents state.

The first woman claimed that after raising her concerns with HR and ERIT, her manager began to scrutinize her whereabouts and her performance in a way he didn't before.

The internal investigation concluded that the man did breach its rules about harassment.

ERIT however cleared another man who was accused of groping four women in a single night at a work party in 2013.

Does this show we have a corrupt court system or are those who buy into the two party theatrics good with it?

The lawsuit against Microsoft was dismissed with prejudice in November last year after a judge ruled that it was not a class action matter.

The plaintiffs appealed that decision but lost.

Gates' affair with a subordinate came to light to Microsoft in 2019 and board members found that the relationship was inappropriate.

The board hired an outside law firm to investigate and, in the wake of the MeToo movement, felt they did not want Gates to serve any more.

DailyMail.com has previously reported that during his early days at Microsoft, Gates hired strippers to come to his home in Seattle and swim naked with his friends.

Journalist James Wallace wrote two books on the Microsoft founder in the 1990s and said: 'He wasn't a choir boy back then, he wasn't just this little computer nerd'.

DailyMail.com has contacted Microsoft for comment.

The Sun also reports,

Board members are said to have carried out an investigation into the billionaire’s romantic relationship with a Microsoft engineer in late 2019 after she claimed in a letter she had a sexual relationship with Gates for a number of years.

The relationship was deemed by the board to be “inappropriate,” people familiar with events told The Wall Street Journal.

It has also been claimed Gates “pursued” several women in his office after he wed now-estranged wife Melinda in 1994, according to a New York Times report.

The paper details two alleged instances where the tech mogul clumsily asked out women who worked for him at Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The New York Times article titled,
Long Before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior
Melinda French Gates voiced concerns about her husband’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and a harassment claim against his money manager. He also had an affair with an employee.

But in some circles, Bill Gates had also developed a reputation for questionable conduct in work-related settings. That is attracting new scrutiny amid the breakup of one of the world’s richest, most powerful couples.

In 2018, Ms. French Gates wasn’t satisfied with her husband’s handling of a previously undisclosed sexual harassment claim against his longtime money manager, according to two people familiar with the matter. After Mr. Gates moved to settle the matter confidentially, Ms. French Gates insisted on an outside investigation. The money manager, Michael Larson, remains in his job.

On at least a few occasions, Mr. Gates pursued women who worked for him at Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to people with direct knowledge of his overtures.

In 2019, Microsoft’s board of directors, on which Mr. Gates sat, opened an investigation into one of those cases after being notified that he had “sought to initiate an intimate relationship with a company employee in the year 2000.

Has Bill Gates been profiting off of the Pandemic?

You decide.

  • Is the Wuhan lab owned by Glaxo Smith Klein which owns Pfizer?


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According to Wral Tech Wire in August of 2019,

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer have finally closed on a multibillion-dollar merger that combined their consumer healthcare businesses, creating the world’s largest over-the-counter business.

Well That's convenient!

Pfizer, meanwhile, operates a large campus and manufacturing plant in Sanford as well as another plant in Rocky Mount. In 2016, Pfizer purchased Chapel Hill life science startup Bamboo Therapeutics for $150 million in cash up front with another $400 million possible based on drug development milestones.

The merger will bring together Pfizer’s big sellers like Centrum and Caltrate with GSK’s top brands, including Excedrin and Nicorette.

GSK, which is headquartered in Britain, will own just over two-thirds of the joint venture, with US-based Pfizer (PFE) holding the rest.

Black Rock Inc. has 7.5% ownership of the company as per Fintel

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BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with $8.67 trillion in assets under management as of January 2021.[6] BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries.

Along with Vanguard and State Street, BlackRock is considered one of the Big Three index fund and passive management firms that dominate corporate America.

This is QUITE interesting!

The U.S. government contracted with BlackRock to help resolve the fallout of the financial meltdown of 2008.

Especially considering one of the founders received initial funding from Blackstone!

Fink sought funding (for initial operating capital) from Pete Peterson of The Blackstone Group who believed in Fink's vision of a firm devoted to risk management. Peterson called it Blackstone Financial Management.

In exchange for a 50 percent stake in the bond business, initially Blackstone gave Fink and his team a $5 million credit line.

In April 2017, BlackRock backed the inclusion of mainland Chinese shares in MSCI's global index for the first time.

As of 2019, BlackRock holds 4.81% of Deutsche Bank, making it the single largest shareholder. This investment goes back to at least 2016.

Which is interesting considering. . .

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In May 2019, BlackRock received criticism for the environmental impact of its holdings. It is counted among the top three shareholders in every oil "supermajor" except Total, and it is among the top 10 shareholders in 7 of the 10 biggest coal producers.

In his 2020 annual open letter, CEO Fink announced environmental sustainability as core goal for BlackRock's future investment decisions. BlackRock disclosed plans to sell US$500 million in coal investments.

In March 2020, the Federal Reserve chose BlackRock to manage two corporate bond-buying programs in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the $500 billion Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility (PMCCF) and the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF), as well as purchase by the Federal Reserve System of commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) guaranteed by Government National Mortgage Association, Federal National Mortgage Association, or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.

In August 2020, BlackRock received approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission to set up a mutual fund business in the country. This makes BlackRock the first global asset manager to get consent from China to start operations.[

In January 2020, PNC sold its stake in BlackRock.

BlackRock Solutions was retained by the U. S. Treasury Department in May 2009 to manage the toxic mortgage assets (i.e. to analyze, unwind, and price) that were owned by Bear Stearns, AIG, Inc., Freddie Mac, Morgan Stanley, and other financial firms that were affected in the 2008 financial crisis.

In 2017, BlackRock expanded its presence in sustainable investing and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) with new staff and products both in USA[72] and Europe.

BlackRock started using its weight to draw attention to environmental and diversity issues by means of official letters to CEOs and shareholder votes together with activist investors or investor networks like the Carbon Disclosure Project, which in 2017 backed a successful shareholder resolution for ExxonMobil to act on climate change.

After discussions with firearms manufacturers and distributors, on April 5, 2018, BlackRock introduced two new exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that exclude stocks of gun makers and large gun retailers, Walmart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kroger, Sturm Ruger, American Outdoor Brands Corporation, and Vista Outdoor, and removing the stocks from their seven existing environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) funds, in order “to provide more choice for clients seeking to exclude firearms companies from their portfolios.

Despite BlackRock's attempts to model itself as a sustainable investor, one report shows that BlackRock is the world’s largest investor in coal plant developers, holding shares worth $11 billion among 56 coal plant developers.[83] Another report shows that BlackRock owns more oil, gas, and thermal coal reserves than any other investor with total reserves amounting to 9.5 gigatonnes of CO2 emissions – or 30 percent of total energy-related emissions from 2017.

By investing clients' 401(k)s and other investments, BlackRock is a top shareholder in many competing publicly traded companies. For example, see the percentage of shares held by BlackRock in: Apple (NasdaqGS: 6.34%)and Microsoft (NasdaqGS: 6.77%), Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE: 4.30%)[95] and JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE: 4.41%).[96] This concentration of ownership has raised concerns of possible anticompetitive behavior.

In his 2018 annual letter to shareholders, BlackRock CEO Laurence D. Fink stated that other CEOs should be aware of their impact on society. Anti-war organizations objected to Fink’s statement, because BlackRock is the largest investor in weapon manufacturers through its iShares U.S. Aerospace and Defense ETF.

Due to its power, and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world's largest shadow bank.

BlackRock was scrutinized for allegedly taking advantage of its close ties with the Federal Reserve System during the coronavirus pandemic response efforts.

The non-profit American Economic Liberties Project issued a report highlighting the fact that currently "the ′Big Three′ asset management firms—BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street—manage over $15 trillion in combined global assets under management, an amount equivalent to more than three-quarters of U.S. gross domestic product."

The Report called for structural reforms and better regulation of the financial markets

This is a Big One!

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You will recall who worked at Bear Stearns after he was a teacher at Dalton Prep, which was a private school to the rich and famous grades k-12 where Epstein worked under Attorney William Barr's father, Donald Barr, who served as the headmaster until June 1974.

This is something else. . .
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Look at when and where Soros started his Open Society Foundation

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Interesting considering Mama Gates ties to United Way and Africa which helped get Bill's foot in the door for experimental vaccines in Africa and India.

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When you click on the link you see this

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Currently United Way is providing this. Are they trying to push an experimental jab?

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Do you see how everything is tied together?
George Carlin was right. . .it's a black and you and I ain't in it!

Basically just two major companies both BlackRock and Vanguard run and own Everything when you start poking around.

There isn't Really any competition because the very same investors that have ownership in Coca Cola also have ownership in Pepsi.

When you look at who owns BlackRock, guess who the biggest shareholder is?
Vanguard. You cannot see who the biggest players and steerers of Vanguard are can you?

There's a reason for that!

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Project Syndicate

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Conflict of Interest Much?

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The organizations that bring the news get paid by non-profit organizations, of the same power players, elitists and controllers that also owns the entire media but also a part of taxpayers money is used to pay them.”

This is interesting as Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell's father was born in the Czech Republic.

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Hear a report in detail here,

Guess who is also a major shareholder of Microsoft?

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Just as Carlin said. . .

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Let's pick this up in another article as we will get more into this,

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And just Who their major shareholders are.

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I will end with. . .
Where he talks about the Big Owners of this country!
*Not Safe for little ears, please listen with headphones.
George Carlin - It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It! The American Dream

Sources, Connecting Articles and Reports





Is Bill Gates trying to Help you or Harm you? Perhaps you should ask women in Kenya given Tetanus shots with sterilization hidden. Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci evidence from the WHO site of working together for a decade on vaccines. Gates came from Money.


Bill Gates Foundation in conjunction with World Economic Forum, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health ran a fictional outbreak scenario in the Event 201 pandemic sim. Coronavirus Drill in Wuhan prior to outbreak!


Will drop the Microsoft commercial video link in First Frame photo and in Comments of this original post....


A Must See!

Facebook Frames the Gig is Up on the GATES and their Virtue Signaling "Philanthropy!"

Charity aims to relieve the pain of a particular social problem, whereas philanthropy attempts to address the root cause of the problem.

Take a stab out Their Solution for the problem?**

Lynn de Rothschild friend to Hillary. Lynn's dad owner of General Aviation Company that became Meridian where her nephew is CEO location at Teterboro airport where Epstein was arrested. Lynn connected to Ghislaine Maxwell.












According to the New York Post

Following their announcement, unusual details about their marriage from a 1997 Time magazine profile resurfaced. Gates, now 65, revealed a questionable “arrangement” he had with his ex-girlfriend, Ann Winblad, while married to Melinda. Each spring, Gates and his former gal pal spent “a long weekend” together at her Outer Banks, North Carolina, beach residence, enjoying several activities including long walks on the beach.

“We can play putt-putt while discussing biotechnology,” Gates said of his yearly trip, which he had done for decades.

According to that Times article back in 1997. . .

They broke up in 1987, partly because Winblad, five years older, was more ready for marriage. But they remain close friends. "When I was off on my own thinking about marrying Melinda," Gates says, "I called Ann and asked for her approval." She gave it. "I said she'd be a good match for him because she had intellectual stamina." Even now, Gates has an arrangement with his wife that he and Winblad can keep one vacation tradition alive. Every spring, as they have for more than a decade, Gates spends a long weekend with Winblad at her beach cottage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where they ride dune buggies, hang-glide and walk on the beach. "We can play putt-putt while discussing biotechnology," Gates says. Winblad puts it more grandly. "We share our thoughts about the world and ourselves," she says. "And we marvel about how, as two young overachievers, we began a great adventure on the fringes of a little-known industry and it landed us at the center of an amazing universe."


Interesting. ..From Celebrity News,

While Bill and Melinda have stayed quiet about the details of their failing marriage, speculation has run wild. Many are wondering if the unusual relationship Bill maintained with an ex-girlfriend, Ann Winblad, has something to do with the split. Bill has been open about the annual trips he takes with Winblad to North Carolina, even mentioning the trips in a 1997 interview with Time that also included an interview with Winblad herself. She told the magazine, “We share our thoughts about the world and ourselves. And we marvel about how, as two young overachievers, we began a great adventure on the fringes of a little-known industry and it landed us at the center of an amazing universe.”


From The List
The Truth About The House Bill Gates Rented With His Ex-Girlfriend

Read More: https://www.thelist.com/402420/the-truth-about-the-house-bill-gates-rented-with-his-ex-girlfriend/?utm_campaign=clip

Home with former girlfriend in Corolla, North Carolina. ..also interesting. . .
Named for the collection of petals of a flower,

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