RE: Building foundations. Yamaha tzr 125.
I have now sorted everything with the mo in lo, she gets her own apartment, my partner is paying the mortgage, and my daughters name goes on the deeds for it. As my partner pays nothing towards anything else, it made sense to me, to get us all paying, not just me.
Now with regards to a moped, of 49cc, you need to get a 4 stroke, not a 2 stroke, as a 2t will require oil mixed in with the fuel, and will require a lot more maintenance. Think Honda, even the old classic c 50 did 60 mph, had no clutch, 3 gears that pop straight in with the foot. And average around 100 miles per gallon.
Motorized bicycles will not have enough power to get you up hills.
No license is required here for a 49cc, and if people pass a car test, the motorbike one is 125 cc, with no test you see.
A Good idea and your daughter benefits while her grandma has a home of her own.
Over here we have something called usufruct (living rights or Life Estate)
Life Estate: the right to use or occupy real property for one's life. Often this is given to a person (such as a family member) by deed or as a gift under a will with the idea that a younger person would then take the property upon the death of the one who receives the life estate.
That is similar to here, and what we are doing, there will be a legal declaration that she can stay there until she moves or departs the other way, then ownership goes to my daughter. Seemed the most sensible way to sort this all out to me.