in #bigwaves6 years ago (edited)

IS FOSSIL FUEL A BLESSING OR A CURSE?I was prompted to ask someone this question yesterday after hearing about the explosion in Lagos-Ibadan Express road in Nigeria.

I've checked the progress of the country which has been regressive for so long now. I don't want to keep keeping mum about all the shit we get from this country anymore. We claim to be the Giant of Africa where as we have nothing to show for it.


Ever since Fossil fuel was discovered in Nigeria, we have not been able to revive the standard of living of the masses and even the countries having no natural resources are even by far better than we are. Imagine having some resources embedded beneath your earth crust, yet you pay so huge to have access to it. Unscrupulous leaders who care less about the poor masses.

It's beginning to cause me so much pains that I have to speak out. I hate to compare different variables but this time, I'm forced to compare Nigeria with other countries of the world possessing the same natural resources like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (their economic development is outta world).

These guys are so developed owing to the proper management and allocation of funds gotten from the sale of distillates from their crude oil.


Yesterday, when I got the news about the explosion in Lagos-Ibadan road I felt down after seeing some picture with people burnt beyond recognition I felt very sad for them and their families. This explosion has snatched a lot from families.

Dying such a painful death is what nobody will ever wish for, even for their enemies. I may not know anyone involve in the accident but it pained my heart because I was putting myself in some people's shoes. I pray the dead rest in the bosom of the Lord.

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The only thing I can say and this has been said before, is to ensure that all Tankers, Trucks and Trailers ply the road at night. Someone suggested they build a different route for them but I don't think if they'll ever implement that, owing to the huge resources needed to start up such projects and even when started, finishing will be a huge problem.

All tankers are to check if there's any leakages from their tanks at intervals to ensure that these fuels are not being spilled on the roads.

My heart felt condolence goes to those who lost their friends and loved ones in the accident. I pray the good Lord continue to console you all. I pray you all pull through this trying period of your lives.

Thanks for stopping by!


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