in #bigwaves6 years ago

Almost never kills a bird. I almost had it or almost made it will not bring results. Life is faced with various obstacles and only those who are ready to go extra miles are been rewarded.
Take example of Athletes running a marathon race, they all start together, along the way some gives up, some are left behind but still in the race, at the end, only those who did not give up nor fall by the road side will be rewarded. There will be three winners but one special recognition,"the first".

As we move in this second half of thr year, let this story help us keep in mind the importance of going an Extra Mile in all our endeavors.

You won't be rewarded for doing what you're meant to do, you only get a salary for that! YOU'RE ONLY ​REWARDED​ FOR GOING AN EXTRA MILE; Performing Beyond Expectations. Then the special recognition will come

To be Successful in Life, you must be Observant, Proactive and Willing to Do More, Think More, Have a More Holistic Perspective and Go Beyond The Call Of Duty. Life ain't bed of roses. Why the poor keeps getting poorer and the rich richer is because the rich tend to do those things that are hard and their life becomes easy while the poor keeps doing that which is easy and their life still remains hard. Learn to go an extra mile today and you shall be rewarded for your efforts.

Let the fire in you burn more and more, the hands were built for strength, don't keep them idle. The brain is built to think, don't keep it idle. Go a little extra, it might take time but that time changes everything.

Never forget to

Take care of your towel properly because the part that cleans your buttocks today will clean your face tomorrow.


Its never crowded there, so it definitely is enough for everyone. Lol! And going extra miles sure is rewarding on the long run.

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