Crash the Economy NOW.!! The window of opportunity to crash the Economy is closing fast and soon we will pass the point of no return where the consequences of a Financial Crash will be totally INCONCEIVABLE.!!

in #bigreset4 years ago

#BigReset - #Lockdown #Economy - Crash the Economy NOW.!!

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#BigReset - #Lockdown #Economy - Crash the Economy NOW.!!

Readers of my Blog will know that for the past +4 years I have openly and repeatedly talked about a Catastrophic Financial Crisis that we were currently in.

As explained on many occasions over the past +4 years the World witnessed an unprecedented collapse of the Global Financial System back in December 2015 and despite the crisis being papered over with extensive Asset Purchase and Bond Purchase Programs backed by Government and Central Bank Stimulus, it has simply not worked.

Nearly 5 years on from the collapse, the Economy and Financial System is now witnessing an even bigger catastrophic Financial Crisis, only this time of Biblical Proportion and I cannot even begin to tell you how MASSIVE this problem is right now.

A World living in the shadow of a load of Bollox

As the World continues to live in the shadow of a load of Bollox, I thought I would share with you and record on the #Steem Blockchain a number of tweets I have shared on twitter within the last 24 hours.

Recording them on the #Steem Blockchain

I am recording them on the #Steem Blockchain in the knowledge that they will always be there and never deleted.

Crash the Economy NOW.!!

For the past +4 years, I have tried my best to explain how bad things really are and 2020 has simply cemented what I have been saying since 2015.

Crash the Economy NOW before there is nothing left to crash.!!

Financial Crisis that is a x1,000 times worse than 2008

With a World on the brink of an absolutely devastating Financial Crisis that is a x1,000 times worse than 2008 the window of opportunity to crash the Economy is closing fast.

Soon, we will pass the point of no return where the consequences of a Financial Crash will be totally INCONCEIVABLE.!!

Not on twitter?

For those that may not be on twitter, here is a chance to read a small selection of 12 tweets from the last 24 hours.

Tweet 1

The Mainstream Media are an unelected, unaccountable and out of control political force and yet most people don't seem to give a shit.

Until what they say is Verified, Validated and Evaluated on an Open Sourced Public Distributed Ledger, you must assume everything is GARBAGE.!!

Tweet 2

Until the Mainstream Media is validated on a #Blockchain I don't believe a single word.!!

It's all completely fabricated and utter garbage.!!

Tweet 3

Wait until the Mainstream Media is verified on a Distributed Ledger.!!

You thought 2020 has been bad?

You haven't seen anything yet.!!

#blockchain #BigReset

Tweet 4

As World continues to endure yet another day of complete and utter bollox, rest assure in the knowledge that more people are finally waking up to what is really going on around the World.!!

Tweet 5

DM: You are a complete and utter cunt SK.

ME: I know. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be doing my job right.

Tweet 6

It takes years of practice to piss people off and be hated.

I should know, I've been at it for over +35 years and no where near as good as those that are better at it than me.!!

I promise to try a lot harder in the future.

SK x ❤

Tweet 7


The year that witnessed the controlled destruction of the Economy with the rich get richer and the poor getting poorer.

A catastrophic Financial Crisis of Epic Proportion and all as PREDICTED.

Despite all the bollox, most people STILL don't seem to give a shit!


Tweet 8

You thought 2020 has been bad?

You have seen nothing yet.!!

Tweet 9

2021 will make 2020 look like a kiddies tea party.!!

Tweet 10

We are currently witnessing a catastrophic Financial Crisis that is x1,000's worse than 2008 and that's a conservative estimate.!!

Tweet 11

Crash the Economy NOW before there is nothing left to crash.!!

Tweet 12

The window of opportunity to crash the Economy is closing fast.

Soon, we will pass the point of no return where the consequences of a Financial Crash will be totally INCONCEIVABLE.!!

Recording them on the #Steem Blockchain

As I mentioned earlier, I am recording these tweets on the #Steem Blockchain in the knowledge that they can never be deleted, a feature that attracted me to #Steem in the first place.!!

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

Thanks again for reading.

Love you all.

Stephen x ❤️


We are optimistic about the future, whoever walks with the path, progress and technology will be on the right path. Thank you for these good scenes

Shared on twitter.

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