
Monopolism is a facet of free market, it comes with it. You love an ideal where wealth is somehow not concentrated to destroy competition and corner a market, even though that is exactly what is encouraged.

Monopolism comes from the black contracts between governments and technocracy. Most of Monopolism stems from families like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Clinton, Soros, etc.

The first monopoly was over olive presses, it was done simply to be achieved, by one individual. Monopoly is a consequence of the bottom line.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am against globalists. I am against people who try to kill a lot of people through geoengineering, mercury vaccines, 5G, debt, taxes, depression, Hollywood propaganda, leftist education, Jihadism, China, the big tech, the Soros Open Borders, authoritarianism, the cancer of federal government that grows and gets bigger and bigger like a plaque, the attack on the fourth amendment especially as privacy should increase with responsibilities, power, rights, liberties, freedoms, etc.

Thats good and well but in purely free market monopoly would be a natural response from improving on the bottom line. The first monopoly was after all simply a matter of one individual seeking to see what would be the consequences of cornering the market, which like he predicted, would be both extremely lucrative for the business and catastrophic for the public. The only thing that can correct it so far, is the public through the process of law.

Posted using Partiko Android

Is government not a monopoly?

In the abstraction of what monopoly is, but what's your argument? To privatize justice and law?

Posted using Partiko Android

I believe in the 4 branches of government which is there for balancing power.

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