How to get TOP PAID Jobs in the IT Industry learning Big Data Hadoop? Where to learn? How to Learn?

in #big-data7 years ago

Do you know this very truth?

If you can do facebooking using your computer, you are good enough to become a Software Tester or Software Test Engineer! You can earn $40-$100 per hour just working from home?

Do you want to know how?

Well, if you are interested to know more in details,please click here right now!


Hadoop is an open source and Java-based programming framework. It supports the processing and storage of extremely large data sets in a distributed computing environment.

Big Data Hadoop is part of the Apache project sponsored by the Apache Software Foundation.

Hadoop developers & Testers are well paid.

Please click here to check the Salary of Big Data Hadoop Engineer!

I recommend the following courses:

Big Data Analytics Using Sqoop and Hive

Big Data Internship Program - Data Ingestion-Sqoop and Flume

Big Data and Hadoop for Beginners - with Hands-on!

Big Data Hadoop: Advanced concepts and Components.

Projects in Hadoop and Big Data - Learn by Building Apps

Getting Started with Big Data and the Hadoop Ecosystem

Learn Big Data: The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass

Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop - Hands On!

Big Data & Hadoop Certification Training

Hadoop, Big Data and Map Reduce Course

Become a Big Data Hadoop Developer from scratch

Basic overview of Big Data Hadoop

Big Data Hadoop - The Complete Course

Master Big Data and Hadoop Step-By-Step From Scratch

Big Data Science with Apache Hadoop, Pig and Mahout

Big Data and Apache Hadoop for Developers - Fundamentals

Learn Big Data Testing with Hadoop and Hive with Pig Script

Learn How to Analyse Big Data in Hadoop with R Analytic Tool

Learn By Example: Hadoop, MapReduce for Big Data problems

Big Data and Hadoop Tutorial for E-commerce

Learn how to Analyse Hadoop Data using Apache Pig

Big Data Made Easy: A Working Guide to the Complete Hadoop Toolset

Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python - Hands On!

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