Democrats & The Art Of Pointing Fingers

in #biden4 years ago

Why do Democrats constantly bring up Adolf Hitler, Nazis & Joseph Goebbels? Because Democrats are copying their methods of taking over a country. Perhaps their most powerful tool is Goebbels & "the big lie." Big lies are more believable than little lies.

Democrats have become experts at pointing fingers. What Americans should recognize is that while one finger is pointing at their target/victim, three fingers are pointing back at them. Whatever they accuse Republicans of, they do what they are talking about, probably 100 times more than their accused. That is, IF the accused even does what they are accusing him/her of doing!

For instance, they accuse Republicans of being violent. The next thing you know, thousands of Democrat terrorists are marching the streets rioting, burning, looting and killing in what they describe as "peaceful protests."

Remember Nick Sandman? While he was being targeted and harassed, the lying Democrat propaganda media reported the incident as him being a white supremacist, racist who stood in the way of an army veteran, native American who was peacefully marching. The truth eventually came out and Nick Sandman won millions of dollars in lawsuits against the lying, Democrat, propaganda media.

Look at the almost weekly accusations of "racist" cop killings. Almost every single one of them was a valid shooting, oftentimes the result of a violent, armed thug threatening police officers.

What about George Floyd? Floyd was not murdered, he died of a heart attack because of drug use and a bad lifestyle. He avoided getting in the police car because he wanted to drop a bag of cocaine or heroin onto the ground to hide. He said I can't breathe while he was standing and talking to the police officers. He was breathing fine at that time. Floyd was a criminal who stole cigarettes from a store after they wouldn't accept his COUNTERFEIT $20 bill.

What about Michael Brown and "hands up, don't shoot?" The "gentle giant" was anything but. After being confronted for stealing, brown towered over the smaller Asian man who ran the store, threatening him. After Brown was confronted by a police officer in the street, Brown tried to steal the police officer's gun. Unsuccessful, he tried to get away. The officer told him to put up his hands and stop. Brown put down his head and charged the officer who shot and killed him. "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened. Black witnesses even said so! They confirmed the chain of events that was described by the police officer.

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