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RE: Regeneron (REGN): A FLAT ABC (3,3,5) Correction

in #bidbot6 years ago

I advise people to buy Steem... and get flagged for it? These people with dirt popping in to say you hurt them aren't just bots for @fyrstikken. Your down-voting accounts like starjuno are out of control, is that not your account or a friend of yours? You might should have not acted like a bot and failed to notice a fake fanboy. Yes people have waged emotionally charged statements at you, even ones that should be flagged and pushed into the DarkSteem. But;

You doin' Bot activities with Bot tendencies
Bots are your friends, Bots are your enemies
With Bot energy to do what you do
You blew the account you blew, screwed the people you screw

Little guys like me, just hope we never wind up on the wrong side of such an huge bot conflict. I don't care if fyrstikken never comes to my aid. I don't think he agrees with me on everything, so I don't expect him to. But if you can't see that you are the one forcing all the little guys onto his side, your more blind than a bot anyways. I was honestly hopeful I could pull curation value out of your consistently 200SBD posts; trust me this war hurts an impoverished person like me more than it hurts a millionaire like you.

A Joke is all I got left, when excessively empowered people decide they want to take out all the impoverished because the quibs are getting annoying.

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