
People know that already. I see good posts upvoted by bidbots which don't get downvoted.

No they don't Check out my post about Litecoin.

Why would you do that? It's mostly just going to be a waste of money because a post that adds value can get votes for free without buying them.

I disagree. Steem has always been about "who you know" and after HF21 it is even more so that way. One of the key reasons I have always been a supporter of bidbots is because of my understanding of how economic disparity happens.

Economic disparity is not a social challenge, its a feature of the laws of nature. Specifically, economic disparity is directly related to the power of networks. Human networks work in such a way that "who you know" makes all the difference in how many opportunities come your way. If your parent is a famous actor there is a good chance that you can get some acting role in your lifetime if you want one.

Economic disparity is correlated with your human network effect. On Steem, this is especially true for people. You might toss an upvote here or there to a stranger with a nice post, but in all likelihood you have a circle, and the members of that circle experience upvotes from you far more often.

Now, as newcomers arrive their network effect is 0, so they have to build it up. Commenting helps, but still, you will have to do a lot of commenting and a lot of posting quality content before your network effect is of much value. People simply need to know that you exist and that you are likeable, which is not all that easy to do quickly.

The upvote services provided people with the opportunity to grow their human network rapidly, putting their posts/ideas before many eyes right away. That is a good thing, and now that is gone.

If people want equality, they need to understand that economic disparity is directly related to human networks. The more people that know you the more opportunities will come your way. Thus, an upvote service increases the odds of people making new connections with other people and widening their human network, which can improve equality among the community members of Steem.

But hey, the bot services are doomed now, so whatevs...

You are right about the value in promotional services. It is misusing the reward pool mechanism for that purpose which is the real problem.

We have the promotion tab, but the problem is that no one looks at it. Maybe it would be a good idea for more of the user base to try to encourage Steemit to start showing some of the promoted posts on more visible pages such as Trending, feed, etc. I know this suggestion has been made before but it has fallen on deaf ears.

If there was a way for people to use bidbots without it ever being directly profitable to do so, that would be the ideal scenario.

There isn't such a way, without declining rewards or burning a large portion of the rewards, possibly all of them (or strong downvotes which accomplish similarly). The problem is that you have to look at both sides of the transaction (vote buyer and vote seller). If the only variable is the vote price then making it less profitable for the buyer makes it more profitable for the seller and vice-versa.

I do agree with this.

I completely agree. Perhaps we should get this message on trending. I think if every bidbot had a slight cost to use it, then we could strike a balance of promotion and content. It was a great feature, but when it becomes directly profitable, over the long run, it likely undermines the price of steem.

How do we turn this ship around?

But who would get to decide which posts adds value and are approved for an upvote by the bot?? And wouldn't that destroy the whole ideal behind a decentralized platform? Now your going to censor posts and refuse to upvote them if you don't like their material? That is somehow worse because you are acting like google, youtube and fb shadow banning people.. lol.. just admit it, bidbots are a huge money maker for you and you don't want to loose out on that income. Unfortunately all of steemit suffered so you few whales could clean house.. you sold votes which cost you nothing and then cashed that out, how does that help support a system?

Who decides what has value? Shall we choose a value Judge now? Ridiculous, I thought you're a person of freedom and personal rights... now you use "value" in a cultural sense of the word. What do you mean with that, your vision of value right?

"Who decides what has value?"

That is the question isn't it? How people value determines markets. Social media is information shared between people, and various platforms exist that enable people to indicate how they relatively value information by voting. Only on Steem is that value purchasable overtly by buying votes.

Clearly that isn't other people setting the value, or curation.

So, are you claiming the power to buy what society values? Because that's what you're defending.

You might feel cool to call me out and act as I'd be a bad person for my opinions. But you should stick to the facts. I don't claim anything here, I'm just thinking over real consequences in an open-minded way.

So now talking about reality, barely a single word you wrote down makes any sense when really thought through.

Social media is information shared between people, and various platforms exist that enable people to indicate how they relatively value information by voting.

Social Media is just the name we gave platforms, where people can create media for one another. Facebook and Google value upvotes and downvotes often the very same way because they just care about engagement.

Only on Steem is that value purchasable overtly by buying votes.

No - just total nonsense. Where is that coming from? There is not a single big Media Outlet (including Social Media) where you can't get featured for money. Where is that even coming from?

So, are you claiming the power to buy what society values? Because that's what you're defending.

I want you to remember Newtons first law:
"Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed."

Yes. I want people to be able to spend FIAT money (value) to push their content on STEEM to higher value. Bid bots are a way to do that, nothing wrong with that part of the system. If STEEM would be a place on an island with no connection to the outer world, then you'd maybe be right. But it isn't, and if it would be - we both might not be here anyway, so let's not be hypocritical.

I think beyond your nonsense, I get what you really wanna say and I just disagree - it's fine.

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