Route 66 Bike Tour, Clinton Oklahoma...

in #bicycling6 years ago

Made it to Clinton Oklahoma today. This morning in Sayer Oklahoma I was visited by a cat who gave me a cat scan in exchange for some beef jerky. Met a cute dog to. Alo g the way I saw this birdnest under a highway over pass that had a dead rattlesnake stuffed in it. Having a good time so far. Great weather and no sing of rain near me as of yet. Gear is holding up well.

Here are some pics of me though Oklahoma thus far. Visit for more. YouTube FixedByDoc OffGrid has 360 videos of this trip as well.










How many miles are you riding a day? I didn't expect you to be so far this fast!

From 40 to 60 miles per day. I did skip some desert due to not knowing about registrations needed for the native american reservation lands and some desert sections were over a hundred miles between resoures so to far for me to go without refills of water etc... played it safe and caught a ride through those.

Get bigger water bottles. The plastic 2L or 3L soda bottles are really tough and great for carrying extra water. I have some in every vehicle for coolant loss or emergencies. Even if you don't need it you could give a friendly dog or cat a welcomed drink in the desert. Good luck and thanks for the update.

I used to buy 2 3L bottles of 'mountain dew' clone and put them in my backpack having gone to the store on my sportbike so know how heavy they are. I was thinking the weight would be more on the bike trailer you are pulling. You could strap a 2L to each calf and really build up the bicycling leg muscles. It is all exercise right? Enjoy your ride!

The trailer has 32lbs of gear plus about 6lbs of trailer weight and 2 large water bottles on it. So about 40-41lbs roughly. That is very noticeable when pulling. Panniers dont feel the weight quite the same but have other issues. The bike has 2 bottles on it already as well. I can go about 30 miles before running out of water. In a pinch i can carry 1 additional gatorade 32oz inside bag on trailer.

I am really surprised with the 30 mile range of your water supply. You must be losing a lot of water by sweating with the constant pedaling. That makes water your most precious commodity. I bet you are very careful planning your water pitstops. I had no idea so thanks for the info.

I constantly check the route to ensure a refill is available and do so if not needed sometimes just in case. News said its the hottest its been here in this area since 1984 lol. Heat wave coming saturday thru monday they also said. And i sweat a lot on the road.

I have a friend who rode through Arizona and New Mexico I think. I'll have to ask him if he has any advice for getting through the desert.

Find a trucker and jump in the back .

Book a flight with an Airline .

lookit that!
a horny toad.
I haven't seen one of them in decades.

Doc's been away from Addie for awhile now . He can be forgiven .

A horny toad everitt ? After a few drinks I become one . LOL

that would be horn DOG...different thang.

They are cool.

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